




The question of “regional organizations” were questioned in this conference. Many member nations had their own form of developed defence mechanism in place to act in times of attacks an oppression. Inter-American system and the Arab league were questioned in this conference. The league of nations had provided the mechanisms to revision of treaties. Many questions arose about each of these aspects in the conference. There was debate between the member nations about the scope of control of the International Court of Justice.

The nations were worried about the International courts in their regions. The Big Five member nations had the right to veto the action of the UN security council. United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia and France were the member nations. The smaller power nations worried about the impact of control these nations. They had the power over the security council. The other nations wanted the control of the big five to be reduced. There was a lot of discussions and compromises that each nation had to make in this process. On October 24th, 1945, the United Nations Charter had come into existence . Four years had gone into the planning process. This was designed to end war and promote peace in the region.