20 2 月, 2021



根据案例研究,可以确认法官下令禁止艾米莉·伯德医生在她的鸸鹋上使用的药物。由于法院注意到该药物含有一种特殊类型的类固醇,因此法院认定这是虐待动物,并将其视为一种犯罪行为。艾米丽·伯德医生在她的鸸鹋身上用了这些药让它们强壮到可以拉动马车。然而,通过这种方式,她缩短了他们的寿命和生命的前景。因此,这被认为是对她的宠物鸸鹋的残忍行为。然而,根据Sally的说法,法院禁止使用的药物是XPT123,而这种药物因具有这种药物特有的癌症治愈特性而闻名。然而,这种名为XPT123的药物的成分之一是植物花蜜,这种植物的名字是Curela。人们认为这种植物已经灭绝了,但由于Emily使用这种药物,所以这种植物一定是从Emily发现它的地方来的,并把它用作她的鸸鹋的药物(Choo, 2014)。此外,根据Sally的论点,既然这种药物具有癌症治愈的特性,那么为什么法院要压制它,为什么人们不能使用这些重要的药物。




According to the case study, it is recognized that the judge ordered a suppression order to a drug that is used by Dr. Emily Bird on her emus. As the court observes that the drug contains a special type of steroid, hence the court finds that it is cruelty to the animals and it is considered as an offense. Dr. Emily Bird used these drugs on her emus to make them strong enough that they can pull the carriage. However, in this way, she reduces their life span and prospects of life. Hence, it is considered as the cruel action against the emus which are her pet animals. However, as per Sally, the drug, which was suppressed by the court, was XPT123, and the drug is famous for having a special cancer healing features of this drugs. However, one of the ingredients of the drug named XPT123 is plants nectar, and the name of the plant is Fucicia Curela. The people thought that plant was extinct, but as Emily use the drug hence, the plant must be there from where Emily found it and use it as a medicine for her emus (Choo, 2014). Moreover, as per the argument of Sally, as the drug has the cancer healing property, then why the court has suppressed it and why the people cannot use these important drugs.



The court uses to suppress a drug as per the Australian constitutional legislation in case the drug has a severe side effect on the users, and the users have to face daring consequences after using the drug. Here in this case as the court found that the drug use by Emily contains special type of steroid and which has a severe adverse effect on the users. Moreover, as per the case study, Emily applies this drug named XPT123, which contained a steroid and used on the animal to make them strong. The drug initially makes the animal strong, but in the long run, it reduces the life span of the animals because of the adverse effect of the medicine. In this ground, the court issued a suppression order for the drug as the court find that administration of this drug on the emus is a form of cruelty on the animals, which cannot be tolerated and as per the Australian constitutional legislation the court suppressed the drug named XPT123.

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