


自社交媒体技术出现以来,许多组织都在从事社交媒体技术,而其他组织则采用社交媒体战略,以识别其在运营行业中的成功。因此,2016年将被分析,其中网站将在一天内进行评估,Facebook群组和页面将在10天内进行评估(Perrin, 2015)。在此,我们将对来自儿童护理组织Facebook群组和页面的两个随机帖子进行评论,每天进行分析,为期10天。




The social media channel that will be evaluated in this research is the Facebook pages and groups due to the prevalence of Facebook in the social media channels across the globe. Furthermore, any social media that is linked with the majority of the websites of the child care organizations will be added to the coding sheet.
Many organizations have been engaged in social media technologies since the emergence whereas other has adopted the social media strategies post identifying their success in their operating industry. Hence, the year of 2016 will be analyzed wherein the websites will be evaluated in a day and the Facebook groups and pages will be evaluated in the 10 days period (Perrin, 2015). Herein, two random posts from the Facebook group and page of the child care organization will be reviewed for the analysis on a daily basis for 10 days.


It is to consider that all models of the public relations take place within the activities commenced by the child care organizations on the social media channels. Therefore, the websites and the social media pages of the 10 child care organizations in China will be analyzed that are engaged in the two way communication with their audiences . It is to further consider that the child care organizations of China used various other tools of communication such as press conferences, newsletter and press released but only the large child care organizations have been viewed utilizing these methods.