
英国论文代写-有效的团队工作。团队合作是这个项目的一个基本要素。我们运用贝尔宾的团队角色理论来发展我们的人际交往能力。根据Belbin的团队角色理论,我们的团队有10名成员(Kundu, 1989)。每个人都被分配了角色,如塑造者、完成者、协调者、实现者、团队工作者、工厂、资源调查员、监视评估者和专家。额外的团队成员注册为团队工作人员。角色分配完成后,我专注于项目规划。这鼓励我学习时间管理技巧和人员管理。团队中有问题解决者和决策者。每个人都有机会表达和调整自己的技能。这种参与项目的理解和平等让每个人都感到满意,并让更多的人参与到项目中来。根据我的学习,以下是影响项目结果的重要技能。

These were essential to build a rewarding team that can assure quality outcomes and bring the relationships to better understanding and growth (Graziano, 2003). The team working did not only achieve effectiveness but also satisfaction upon discharge of roles and responsibilities.
Leadership, influence and persuasion
The project, at different stages, exposed me to develop leadership and persuasion skills that can be of help forever. A leader has to influence and persuade the team members and not authorize and show the position power at any instance (House, 1971). From my knowledge, leaders are the decision makers and role models to the team members. Unless the leader is strong, it is impossible for the team members to be focused and productive. I am new to the concept of leadership as I have never been a leader in the past.
The project gave me an opportunity to know my capabilities and manage team members. I adopted the participative leadership strategy so that I closely work with the subordinates and eliminate conflicts of interest. Authoritative leadership has never been my interest due to the reason that it persuades wrongly and influences them in the path that the member is not comfortable with (Tittemore, 2003). Further, this form of leadership creates high power and distance which is not appropriate. Therefore, participative and transformational leadership styles are most appropriate to survive, motivate, succeed and sustain. These help in achievement of goal setting process at various projects throughout the professional life.
Managing oneself in the wider world /business environment
The exposure to a wider environment is always risky and demands more number of skills to become recognized and productive during the consignment. At the first instance, I found it extremely difficult to manage myself in the business environment as it was new to get exposed to several hundreds of employees and each one had different priorities (Graziano, 2003). As days passed, I understood the 3 major skills required to manage in the wider business environment. These are as follows:
– Time management
– Networking
– Handling of failures
As people are allotted with priorities based on their roles, it is highly difficult to socialize with them if I lack time management skills. Hence, I concentrated on punctuality and maintained a Gantt chart that meant to instruct me on my responsibilities along with expected deadlines of completion (Handy, 2005). This particular skill made me closer to other people and gave me recognition. Their experiences in the business environment showed me the need to handle failures efficiently without letting down emotions and performances. Handling failures is a critical task as it requires expertise and proper management of strengths and weaknesses to sustain and succeed henceforth. The project has been a fruitful opportunity given to me to get adept with different skills.

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