

The people need to decide the newer products that the consumer would prefer. The manufacturer can develop newer food products or try to modify the marketing strategy of the existing food. The products that would be sold are the dry fruits that are grown locally. The health option and the impact of reduced preservative in the products are explained in the packaging (French, 2010). These are then sold to the supermarket shelf (Bose, 2010). The product has a lower shelf life and they are made of natural preservatives to conserve the quality of the food that is sold. These are some of the screen ideas for feasibility. The money in the brand building process needs to focus on the actual product packaging. This formulation would allow the people to buy the product and procure the product. Once this has been developed, the next stage is to sell the products based on price.
The price of the product will be competitively priced. The money that a consumer pays for the product is for the brand image and the quality of the products. The cost of production and distribution will be lower for this product (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). The shipping and storing costs would be lesser as it is locally home grown. Due to this, the pricing of the product would be lesser than conventional organic products.
The promotion of the food products to the consumers would be advertisements as social media marketing and direct marketing in the shops. The promotion of the products is to persuade the consumers about the purchase decision. The people are generally sceptic about the big brands and television ads. The promotion of the products in the social media and by having direct communication with the final consumer would improve the credibility. The big brand competition is high for the other media channels. In this, the cost of initial promotion would be lower. These would benefit the sales of these products. The company needs to show how these would benefit the local consumer and they must design a product to meet the needs of the people (Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). Sustainability and local producers will be the highlight of the promotion of the products
The place of selling these products will be in local dedicated stores and super market chains. The distribution and warehousing need to factor that the product needs to consider the lower shelf life of the products. Once the product has been able to post profits, it can extend to other ancillary areas near Melbourne and focus on nationwide development (Kotler and Armstrong, 2013). The success of the product will be determined by the ability of the local producers to develop credible food quality.

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