22 11 月, 2019


  英国论文代写-西方女权主义的讨论分析,后现代主义女性主义认为,一般来说,女性对教会的男权观念有很多异议。西方女权运动追求更多的妇女权利,要求妇女平等参与。他们主张教会参与一些活动,帮助妇女更多地参与决策过程。人们发现,或者更确切地说,人们认为教会是非常家长式的。这是后现代女性与自身文化的一场内部斗争。有一些女性的期望与Elsie Elliot内心的女权主义格格不入。妻子必须无条件地服从丈夫或父亲的命令。这些家长制的观念并不能使人们相信。她不想因为性别而被边缘化。她想给社会带来真正的改变,而教会的这种立场没有任何理由。她不同意教会帮助人们的意识形态,想要更积极地参与利他主义和为人们提供的服务。接下来有关英国论文代写-西方女权主义的讨论分析如下:

  Post-modernist feminism interpreted that the women in general had a lot of issues with the patriarchal notions of the church. The western feminist movement sought for more rights of women and they wanted equal participation of the women. They advocated the church to involve itself in a number of events that would help the women to participate more in the decision of making process.

  For a person like Elsie Elliot she wanted to serve the people. Meetings like this held very little value as it did not serve any altruistic purpose expect a religious one. When she went to China for preaching mission, she observed that the rules of Plymouth Brethren were rigid and did not make sense. Her interaction with this form of structured religion made her feel that there was no real service done to the people. There was no interaction with other Christians. Some of the rules of the church could not help people. In the case of the church, the patrons and the female missionary are supposed to have long hair and should wear hat in the church. There were a number of customary activities that was important to the church.

  It was found or rather perceived that the church was very patriarchal. This was an internal struggle of the post-modern women with their culture. There were a number of expectations of the women that did not fit in with the internal feminist inside Elsie Elliot. The wife had to implicitly follow the order of the husband or the father without any questions. These patriarchal notions were not considered to make people believe. She did not want to be marginalized based on her gender. She wanted to bring real changes in the society and this stance of the church did not make any reason. She did not agree with the ideology of the Church to help the people and wanted to be more actively involved in the altruistic and the services offered to the people.

  To summarize her thought process in her autobiographical accounts, there has been extensive altruism that she wanted to practice. She wanted to cause real change in the society rather than deliver sermons and rhetorical beliefs of the company. As mentioned above, these three reasons are also influenced by religious and gave a big change to Elsie Elliott.

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