
英国论文代写推荐-冈比亚女性教育的主导实践。冈比亚是一个很好的例子,可以在教育和性别政策的背景下探索当地或全球的界面。这是由于在全国范围内促进妇女进步的历史相当悠久。全球发展伙伴与现有的正式民间社会- -政府伙伴关系和民间社会工业的活力- -有着广泛的联系。这对于管理整体教育至关重要(Subrahmanian, 2015)。冈比亚的小地理面积和共同的小教育政策共同体是国家整体发展的一个因素。捐助者为促进和加强妇女教育经验和机会所支持的国家努力,对女童的入学率,特别是在基础教育一级的入学率有重大影响。在促进妇女教育方面,更大的便利是由演员、机构和机制与全球发达社区合作。因此,关注的焦点在于国际上对女性教育的主导实践和话语。

As a result, development planning specifically focuses on diversifying the economy of Gambia by introducing market gardens and producing non- traditional and traditional produce like vegetables, fresh fruit, sesame, and cotton (Spring, 2016). This further provides a significant scope for expanding the tourism industry, ensuring to promote the entrepreneurship and development of the private sector. This area specifically faces major difficulties in promoting gender equality by education in comparison with promoting gender equity within education.
For strengthening the overall link between social change and education, feminist researches specifically considered the need for education policies. These policies should be emphasizing upon girls. This requires the singular promotion of equal accessibility and supportive approaches for challenging gendered relations of power (Rao and Srinivas, 2011). This results in arising gender based inequality among educational outcomes, experiences, and opportunities. Moreover, significant challenges are faced by women all across the nation with respect to participation in labour force, accessibility of credit and land, capacity of decision making and participation of politics. The achievement of gender parity automatically links the outcome under the basic levels of education in comparison with their counterparts spread across the urban area.

One of the key Millennium Development Goal of Tanzania is the promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women. This is enabled mainly in the educational sector. One main target focuses on the elimination of gender disparity across secondary and primary education individually considering each and every level of education. The main indicators include ration of female to males in tertiary, secondary and primary education, share of females in wage based employment across non- agricultural industries, and share of seats that women hold in the national parliament (Hafkin and Huyer, 2016). However, the major challenge is the outstanding inequality issue between rural and urban areas with respect to women and girls’ readiness and capacity for seizing the opportunities for physical assets and education.
Several biases linger against women and girls across rural communities in comparison with urban communities. Interventions for addressing issue are evident from a number of stakeholders, non-governmental and government organizations to fight against prejudices. These impact the division of resources and labour against women and girls. There is also existence of several constraints preventing the smooth effectiveness and operation of policies related to gender. The absence of data under gender disaggregation results in the lack of comprehensive monitoring and reporting on gender problems (Hafkin and Huyer, 2016). Major difficulty is faced in tracking down expenses. These expenses are regarding impoverishment, excess workload, harassment and gender based discrimination further demanding the enforcement of laws sensitive to gender. There is still prevalence of negative norms and attitudes towards women in the field of education and progressing.

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