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Main Areas of Microsoft’s Sustainability Policy

Microsoft aims to use information technology in order to improve the energy efficiency. It plans to reduce the energy use by computing productivity. The company plans to make use of some of the fundamental advances in science in order to improve its strategies. Modeling technologies are to be developed for the company, and Microsoft also wants to enable an ecosystem that will make use of IT in order to improve energy efficiency.

Policies for Sustainability

Some of the policy based changes made are that of holding virtual meetings for employees in order to reduce the million miles’ air travel. A flex work policy would be incorporated where employees would be able to cut back on daily commuting. Newer ways to save energy and cost are being planned.

Microsoft Plans for Carbon Emissions

Microsoft plans to reduce carbon emissions in the amount of 30 percent compared to their previous levels as recorded in 2007, and plans to achieve energy efficiency in buildings and operations.

Communication Procedure

Virtual communication is planned for in Microsoft in order to reduce the environmental impact. With virtual communication, employees would not have to connect by means of flying across to the different places they need, they would be able to complete everything virtually. Secondly, companies need not have employees commute daily, some amount of work can be allocated as work from home and employees could be given the chance to use the work from home provision. Also Microsoft encourages employees to make use of the collaborative tools as well. The use of collaborative tools is helpful as it ensures that employees can clear all their doubts in one pre-determined time in virtual connect instead of using up energy and resources.

Future Strategies

In terms of communication, more training can be provided on the use of collaborative strategies. Collaborative strategies still require logging in and using devices that would be use up energy and hence collaborative meetings and more should be planned for. A second improvement can be in the use of more current data for planning the sustainability strategies of Microsoft.


The report basically summarizes the main areas in Microsoft’s sustainability policies, the planning, communication procedure and some strategies for success that it could use in the future.