








Catalin and Andreea (2014) have mentioned that the customers in today’s time face much confusion with regard to the product which they have to choose because of the competition in the markets and also the different ideas of various designers. Thus, there are a lot of factors that will influence the choice of the customer regarding the fashion product which they want to buy. The most important deciding factor in this area is the fashion brand that the customer can relate to and feels comfortable with. Moreover, the customer comes with an image in mind that they want to portray when they visit a fashion store. If the lifestyle brand succeeds in helping the customer with that particular image, then the customer will be more than satisfied. He will be happy and thus will feel emotionally connected to the brand.


Changes in the Fashion Brands

The changing needs of the customer have also changed the mindset of the fashion outlets. The lifestyle brands need to focus on the needs of their customers and how to satisfy them completely so that the customers visit the store again and again. The brands have the advantage of targeting a particular group of customers if they are able to understand the specific requirements of fashion. Therefore, if they define their market that the brands want to target, they would also succeed in limiting the competition. The brand needs to understand that what all the customers will think before they choose a particular product. As mentioned by Keller (2008), the different factors that define any customer’s decision can be summed up as psychological, sociological and economic processes. These processes have been identified to be intertwined with the natural behaviour of any individual. With this, the customer also needs to feel the connection with the brand.

Brand Value

The changing times and the change in fashion sense of the consumer have also indicated towards the fact that any brand needs to deliver more than just the product to the consumer. The psychology that works here is that if someone loves fashion and wants a particular outlook in any outfit, then he or she will be ready to pay even a luxurious amount for the product. Therefore, the brand needs to work on the overall satisfaction of the consumer by understanding their specific requirements. When the brand tries to focus on delivering an overall experience rather than just a product, the consumers get emotionally attracted to the brand. As Vigneron and Johnson (2004) have mentioned the buyer associates with any luxury brand with the thought that it would separate it from the rest by providing the best style possible. It has also been observed that the consumers of luxury brands are supposed to have a strong social function with their social class.