







Another important component of OST programs includes the activities which can help the students to become more and more positive in their life. Some of the activities include the academic support, education enrichment, recreation activities, sports, fitness and wellness related activities, works related to tutoring and homework based services, civic engagement, career exploration and opportunities, college preparation and the overall development of the entire child.
Time staff for the Out of School training is another important thing to be considered. This kind of programs includes the support staff related to the different variety of titles and descriptions. Other than the general administrative staff, some of the out of school programs are part time programs. Some of the direct staff includes site leaders, program coordinators, youth development workers, instructor, teachers, college students, and child care workers, etc.


Out of School training programs include both the private and public programs which have been operational in different variety of settings. Some of these programs may include the public facility related programs such as the schools, parks, recreation activities, community centers, colleges, libraries and private facilities. The providers are related to the OST programs, some of the schools, districts, municipalities and the national Non Profit Organizations, faith based organizations and for some of the profit related agencies.
Another important component is to have the proper funding and support mechanisms. Some of the out of school time programs require a lot of funding. This funding is based on the states and depends on the needs and demographics related to the community which is served in the Out of School Programs. Some of the sources related to the funding related programs include the tuition fees, state and local grants, donations which are done from the businesses, individual donors and some other non-monetary donations.