





A selfie is basically slanged for self-portrait picture, normally taken with a hand-held smart phone or digital camera. Selfies trend was once common among teenagers only but now it’s quite a common act among person of every age group. Teenagers take selfies and share it on social networking websites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. It is funny that Mr. Bean used to take selfies and now every one of us is doing the same thing. When the trend came in, it looked awkward that people hold their cameras or smart phones in front of their faces at certain angle and make weird expressions but now most of the people enjoy the selfie session at every occasion as if the day won’t be complete without a selfie. Selfie trend is adopted by most of the known persons around the world especially from showbiz that now mobile phone advertisements are based of selfie feature. So now the battle between mobile companies is who develops a mobile phone which contains better camera features for selfie. This is the clear effect of a fashion trend. As now the fashion of selfie is so viral that now selfies have replaced autographs. A well-known cricket player Shane Warne tweeted; “After doing five selfies with my fans this morning before 8am on my morning walk I’ve come to the conclusion that the autograph is departed!” Now most teenagers, celebrities, politicians are seen capturing selfies hence from U.S president to pope everyone is taking selfies.

Women are most likely to follow this selfie fashion quite rapidly. Selfie of their new haircut, dress, selfie at some occasion, selfie in a restaurant or party, selfie with friends and even selfie in bathrooms (Radhika, S 2014 ). Now selfies are being posted of social media websites with a hash tag and people consider it a must trend to follow. This selfie addiction has increased to a limit that people have started ignoring the essence of any meeting or event and they have become so artificial to think about portraying their every move on social media. Even the Oxford dictionary recently declared that selfie is the most used word of the year 2014. A question arises that why people are so inspired by selfies and now portraits are being captured rarely? Just because it has become a trend and everyone is suffering from selfie syndrome. This syndrome is leading self-consciousness in people but mostly girls. That means a timely happiness and eternal consciousness have being developed in people due to this selfie fashion trend because selfies are taken by the person himself but it’s taken for others. Most of the time selfies are taken by people and especially women to share it on social media to let others know that what are they doing, how best they can look and how they spend their time.