7 2 月, 2013

英国文学论文 2-7


Quantitative Research

The quantitative research method has certain benefits and thus was chosen for a particular reason. It was chosen primarily so that at the end of the day there is a large amount of data to be analyzed by the study or research. The primary concern with conducting research based on a questionnaire or survey is to get a representational sample. The main fear is that the research will become somehow lopsided or biased unintentionally. Thus to ensure that this research concludes with a good sample of data we will use this method to conduct the survey with a large group. The people in the group will be given a well structured and easy to fill questionnaire. In addition to the survey there will be another factor which will act as a complement to it; the interview. This will allow us to be comprehensive and quantitative. The questions will be designed with specific informational objectives in mind. They will be designed in a way so as to gleam pure information.  Information of what principles the two education systems are based on, information on how transformational leadership education is viewed in the two countries, information on what it really is. I hope that the conclusions I make based on the type of survey




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