15 1 月, 2019



将根据所附的说明确定用户的需要,并进一步适当地确定这种需要的优先次序。为了确保面试过程与此相一致,我们会考虑这一点。每个组织的成功都依赖于it创建产品和服务的能力,这些产品和服务可以满足客户未满足的需求。即使在这种观点之后,在95%以上的组织中,开发和营销经理对客户的需求没有达成一致。对于I-phone 6,消费者的需求是品牌的力量和品牌的独特性,这是消费者在产品推出后购买的产品(Hayter, 2007)。


关于客户对概述的产品的需求,有5个基本需求及其优先级。首先是客户有潜在的需求。这是客户不知道自己有这种需求的需求,因为客户有一定的需求。此外,客户很难清楚地表达他们的需求。客户的需求会随着时间的推移而变化。其次,顾客只有在看到他们想要的东西时才会知道他们想要什么。此外,永远不可能向客户承认他们所有的需求。关于客户需求识别,Steve Jobs说,从客户的经验出发,从技术的角度逆向工作是非常重要的。因此,公司不可能从技术系统入手,弄清楚要卖什么(Crain and Abraham, 2008)。这是I-phone没有做到的。结果驱动性质的创新方法允许组织以一种精确的方式做到这一点。这也是I-phone对其产品所做的。


The user need in accordance to the presentation attached will be identified and this need will further be prioritized appropriately. The consideration will be taken in order to ensure that the interview process is in alignment with this. The success of each organization has dependence over it ability of creating products as well as services that can address the unmet needs of the customers. Even after this perspective, in more than 95 percent of all organizations, managers of development and marketing are not in agreement over what customer requirement is. With regard to I-phone 6, the customer requirement is that of brand power and brand uniqueness which comes to the customers, once they purchase they product after its launch (Hayter, 2007).


With regard to the customer requirement for the outlined product, there are 5 basic needs and their prioritization that comes forward. The first is that customers have latent requirement. This is the need which the customers do not know they have this need, because the customers have certain requirements. Furthermore, customers have a struggle of articulating their requirements. Customer’s requirements change over a period of time. Next, customers would not know what they desire until they visualize it. Besides, it is not possible to ever acknowledge for the customers all the needs that they have. With regard to customer need recognition, Steve Jobs said that it is essential to initiate with the experience of the customer and work in a backwards direction to technological perspective. It is not possible for company’s therefore to start with technological system and figuring out what is going to be sold (Crain and Abraham, 2008). This is something that I-phone does not follow. The approach of outcome driven nature towards innovation allows organizations to do that in an exact manner. This is what has been done by I-phone as well with regard to its product.

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