3 2 月, 2019




态度忠诚主要集中在消费者对品牌做出的心理承诺上(Fournier, 1999)。忠诚度是指消费者处理各种密集问题的方式和它所涵盖的行为(Kim & Ko, 2010)。这些被发现是基于品牌和与市场上现有的不同品牌的竞争比较。这些积极的品牌形象导致了对品牌强烈的品牌偏好,类似于信任(Kim & Ko, 2010)。


研究人员发现,在这种系统性模式中,人们的认知反应需要与品牌的个性相匹配(Kim & Ko, 2010)。态度忠诚的因素可以用产品能力来解释。令人兴奋的是,产品是在市场中产生的,它的诚意和更多的参与这里。消费者被在这些指数中得分较高的品牌所吸引(Herbst et al., 2012)。然后将这些指标与学习、动机、感知和社会态度等指标进行比较。人们的信仰和态度是与品牌忠诚度相比较的。信念是消费者希望产品能够满足他们最初需求的系统。这是人们在不断满足需求后对品牌发展的一种信念(Fournier, 1999;Kim & Ko, 2010)。消费者每次接触一个品牌时,他们的态度信念和对该品牌的既定信念都会得到反映(Herbst et al., 2012)。这些与研究人员确定的信任属性没有太大区别。这些因素会影响消费者的购买行为。因此,它必须与一个品牌的购买意图结合起来考虑。


Attitudinal loyalty stems from the positive experiences that one has with a product, and in this origin, it is like the trust factor as the trust factor is also created from positive experiences.
Attitudinal loyalty is found to be concentrated on the psychological pledge that the consumer makes with respect to the brand (Fournier, 1999). The loyalty refers to the ways in which the consumers deal with the various intensive problems and the behaviour that it covers (Kim & Ko, 2010). These are found to be based on the brand and the competitive comparisons with the different brands that existing in the markets. These positive brand images lead to the development of strong brand preferences towards the brand, similar to trust (Kim & Ko, 2010).


Researchers have identified, that in this systemic pattern, the cognitive responses of the people need to be matched with the personalities of the brand (Kim & Ko, 2010). The factors of attitudinal loyalty can be explained in terms of product competency. The excitement is that product generates within the market, its sincerity and more are involved here. The consumers are drawn to brand that score high in these indices (Herbst et al., 2012). These are then compared with the indices of learning, motivation, perception and the social attitudes. The beliefs and attitude of the people are compared with the brand loyalty. The belief is the system where the consumer hopes that the product would meet their initial requirements. This is a faith that the people develop in the brand after continued meeting of the demands (Fournier, 1999; Kim & Ko, 2010). Each time the consumer is found to make a contact with a brand, their attitudinal beliefs and established beliefs of the brand are reflected (Herbst et al., 2012). These are not much different from the trust attributes as identified by researchers. These are found to influence how the consumer will make purchase. Hence it has to be considered in context with purchase intentions towards a brand.

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