20 6 月, 2019






过度养育的因素与孩子更高程度的焦虑或抑郁有关。研究表明,这些行为会阻碍孩子们培养处理问题的情绪弹性。他们不允许尝试更新的因素。孩子们会对攀爬产生负面影响。他们生来就看不到失败。这就阻碍了孩子们在现实生活中取得成功。这些孩子缺乏独立性。当他们长大后,他们倾向于依靠父母来解决他们在现实生活中面临的问题,这可能是有害的。在几乎所有这些情况下,父母将无法满足孩子一生的需要。这会导致儿童产生焦虑和恐惧(Darlow, Norvilitis & Schuetze, 2017, p. 2293)。这将增加问题。对一些儿童来说,这将造成有害的影响。


Under developed Managing Skills

The parent is always forced to clean up the messes made by their adult children or try to prevent the issues from occurring in the first place. In this situation, the child learns to deal with loss, failure and disappointment. The factors of helicopter parents make the children feels less competent in dealing with stresses. The children will have under developed skills which they cannot manage. They cannot handle the everyday activities which are expected. They will not be able to forge ahead whenever there is a challenge involved. This will only lead to more stress and anxiety among the adults and the family members. They will not be able to handle the peer pressure or be able to speak about certain issues. This will cause them to narrow their thoughts. This is a negative impact which will lead to more stress and anxiety.

Increased Anxiety

The factors of over-parenting are associated with higher levels of children anxiety or depression. Research and studies suggest that they prevent the children from developing the emotional resilience to handle the issues. They are not allowed to try newer factors. The children cause the climb to be negatively impacted. They are made to not able to see failure. This prevents the children from succeeding in real life. These children lack independence. When they grow up and they tend to rely on their parents to address the issues which they face in real life, this can be detrimental. In almost all of these cases, the parents will not be able to meet the needs of the children throughout their life. This will cause the children to develop anxiety and fear (Darlow, Norvilitis & Schuetze, 2017, p. 2293). This will add to the issues. For some children, this will cause detrimental debilitating impacts.

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