22 1 月, 2019



全球印刷媒体的地位几乎是一样的。在英国,《每日电讯报》(Daily Telegraph)最近更换了其报纸编辑,担任新的内容总监。网络媒体的传播范围不像平面媒体那样受地理界限的限制(Laroche et al., 2012)。在线新闻门户网站Mail online在全球拥有逾1.26亿名知名用户。英国历史悠久的平面媒体公司,如《卫报》,甚至正在考虑停止平面媒体业务的垂直市场。

美国的印刷媒体也面临着类似的困境。由于互联网使用的增加,《纽约时报》等纸媒巨头正面临危机。Politico、赫芬顿邮报(Huffington Post)和Buzzfeed等新网站正吸引着读者。这些网站擅长以极具吸引力的、类似小报的新闻风格呈现新闻。在美国,从2005年到2013年,印刷广告也大幅下降了50%。广告业务也转移到了在线出版物上。几家主要的美国印刷媒体公司,如《洛杉矶时报》,销量急剧下降,而其他像图森市民,巴尔的摩考官,肯塔基邮报等则完全从市场上消失(Kissel, 2013)。


从2005年到2012年,英国已经关闭了242家地方报纸,并损失了40%的当地媒体员工。像《每日电讯报》和《每日快报》这样的知名报纸大量裁员。每周有47%的英国人使用BBC新闻网站,可以看到网络媒体的流行程度上升。这些网站的移动应用程序的使用由近24%的用户完成,而16%的用户每周在社交媒体上分享在线新闻故事。与美国相比,新技术表面上的优势要远远大于英国(Greenslade, 2016)。美国的平面媒体受到的影响要大得多,因为它主要依靠分类广告的支持,而在英国,展示广告是英国平面媒体的基础。


The position of print media all across the globe is almost alike. In United Kingdom (UK), the newspaper Daily Telegraph has recently replaced its newspaper editor with new position of chief content officer. The reach of online media is not limited by the geographical boundaries like those of print media (Laroche et al., 2012). The online news portal Mail Online has more than 126m distinguished users globally. The historical print media companies of UK like the Guardian are even considering stopping the print media business verticals.
Similar plight of print media can be seen in America. The print media titans such as the Times are facing crisis because of increasing use of internet. The new websites such as Politico, Huffington Post and Buzzfeed, which have expertise in presenting the news in highly attractive and tabloid-akin journalism styles, are attracting the readers. In America, the print advertising also saw a drastic fall of about 50% from the year 2005 to 2013. The advertising business is also migrated to the online publications. Several major American print media companies like the Los Angeles Times have seen dramatic low in their sales while others like Tucson Citizen, Baltimore Examiner, Kentucky Post, etc. completely vanished from the market (Kissel, 2013).


UK has seen shutting down of 242 local papers between the years 2005 and 2012 and loss of 40% of workforce in local press. There are massive job cuts in the renowned newspapers like Telegraph and the Daily Express. The rise in popularity of online media can be seen by the use of BBC news website by almost 47% of the UK’s population each week. The use of mobile applications of these sites is done by almost 24% of users, while the 16% users share online news stories on the social media per week. In comparison to the United States, the seeming supremacy of new technology is much greater than that in the UK (Greenslade, 2016). The print media in USA is much more affected because it is majorly supported by the classified advertising, while in UK the display advertising is the foundation of print media in the UK.

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