9 4 月, 2019




人类对健康生活的追求近三十年来,香港的经济发展和人民的知识水平不断提高。80年代,香港发展迅速。信息通信技术也得到了长足的发展,特别是互联网已经发展成熟。这个地方被改变了从一个工业现代商业城市(Misiūnas, 2008)。随着经济条件的改善,人们开始追求更加奢侈的生活方式。通过经济发展的优势,人们可以提高他们的知识,拓宽他们的视野。在这种情况下,人们会从不同的渠道学习和发现新的信息。与此同时,人们会更关注他们的健康或关注改善他们的生活质量。

公共租住房屋是解决香港居民生活问题的最重要的房屋政策。众所周知,这个小城市人口密度很高。高层实用的政府补贴租赁住宅楼可以容纳720户家庭和3000人(Tamminen et al., 2008)。2015年6月,在租住公屋启正村发现饮用水铅含量超标。引起了人们对饮用水质量的高度预期和担忧。如果供水管道中含有铅,铅就会进入饮用水。这种物质通常在黄铜水龙头和含铅焊料的管道中发现。铅会进入水中,尤其是在热水系统中。目前在香港,建筑物内部的配水系统,特别是从水表到住宅单位末端水点的配水管道,普遍采用铜水管输水。因此,这一问题引起了人们对其与健康有关的重要问题的更多关注。



One of the most important elements which are essential for the sustenance of life on earth is fresh water. It is something which forms to be lifeline for all. The importance of water is such that the body needs 50%-60% of water. In the present times, water is being used for a large number of tasks including irrigation, agriculture and a number of other things. In addition to this, water is used for a number of other tasks. It can simply be regarded as the gift which is provided by the nature to all the human beings. The human bodies require water in abundance quantities. The water which is used for drinking should be very healthy. This is important as the drinking water should be free from all kinds of impurities. In general the water which is being supplied to human beings comes from the pipelines. The water which is present in these pipelines is not completely pure. Thus, it is very important to ensure that the water which comes from the pipe is fit for drinking. One of the most important problems related to water in the public areas is the problem of water consisting of lead. This lead can easily go into water and can be very harmful for the human life. In addition to this a number of chemical effluents also pollute water. It is another kind of hazardous water pollutant (World Health Organization, 2004). Chemical water pollution may include a number of chemical effluents such as metals and solvents from the industry. These chemicals are poisonous and if taken, may be hazardous. In addition to this the pesticides is another hazardous chemical which may pollute water. Another pollutant is the biofilm. It is the collection of inorganic and organic and inorganic, living or dead material which is being collected at a surface (World Health Organization, 2003). As a result of the biofilm in drinking water pipes, there are a number of problems. These can cause a number of problems such as the increase in the bacterial levels, taste and odor changes, red and black water problems.

The Human Pursuit of more Healthier of Life In Hong Kong, the economic developed and the peoples continuously improve their level of knowledge in last 30 years. At 80’s, Hong Kong was growing quickly. The information and communication technology was also advance expansion especially the internet has become mature developed. The place was changed the nature from an industrial to a modern commercial city (Misiūnas, 2008). The people was started to pursue a more luxury lifestyle by the improvement on their economic condition. By the advantages on the economic development, the peoples would allow to enhance their knowledge to widening their sight. Under the circumstances, the people would learn and found the newly information from different channels. Meanwhile, the people would more focus on their health or concerning on improvement their lifestyle quality.

Lead Problem Found in Drinking Water at Public Estate Public rental estate is the most important housing policy to solve the living problem for Hong Kong. As know, this small city containing with high population density of people. The high rise and practical government’s subsidized rental residential building would allow accommodating around 720 household and 3,000 peoples in a single building (Tamminen et al., 2008). In the June 2015, the excessive lead containing in drinking water at the public rental estate – Kai Ching Estate was discovered. There was caused highly anticipate and worried about the drinking water quality. Lead can enter to the drinking water if the service pipe is containing with lead. The matter was commonly found in brass faucets and piping with lead solder. The lead can get into the water especially in hot water system. Nowadays in Hong Kong, the copper water pipes is very common to adopted for conveying the water for distribution system inside the building especially at the distribution pipe from the water meter to the end water points of residential flat. Therefore, the problem was drawn much more attention about their vital issues which concerning on health.

Consideration “Prevention” is the Best Way to Eliminate the Problem although there do not have the one hundred percent safety or ideally material in the world but we could allow to considerate to choose the much more suitable material to prevent the incident. On the other hand, the evaluation on the adequate and proper working procedure and enhancing the monitoring would also be achieve to satisfy the safe water quality for the humans.

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