28 7 月, 2016





说,例如,一个员工在一个仓库工作如果提供的强制性安全装置事故不会发生在大多数情况下。但即使坚持最好的安全协议,可能有事故和工人可以禁用(Tompa等,2009)。这种情况下是可能的,而且公司必须提前计划等不幸事件。研究还表明,公司要求的人员从事重体力任务必须多层次残疾项目发起的《盗梦空间》中该公司本身。这将导致公司能够管理其雇员的费用如果有工作时被禁用。在最初阶段,安全基础设施的设置可能很高,但最终支付。这个理论证明了数据的统计分析。证明在Tompa et al(2009)的研究,标志着公司的经济效益,坚持某些安全协议。本分析的基本数据收集,Tompa et al,从各种期刊(2009)收集数据,回顾历史,研究各种期刊和出版物的结果。从这个经验数据收集和数据进一步分析使用统计工具。本研究也表明方法如何包含安全方法在各种行业和证明他们的理论。然而,本研究也有其局限性。它分析了只有一个维度的好处。有很多好处,可以通过进一步的证据得出结论和数据的统计分析。


Occupational health and safety of the employees is a very important parameter to be considered by the company. The company or organization if in an effort to curb the expenses try to cut the safety precautions followed will actually lead to a lot of liabilities or possible bankruptcy. The employees have the right to work in a safe and stable environment. They should be provided with a good working environment with all safety precautions in place. The employees must be provided with reasonable safety efforts. This will also boost the morale of the employees, increasing productivity. If the employees suffer a physical or mental ailment due to work related activity and they choose to file a lawsuit. Ailment of employees is usually considered to be the physical ailments. It is very important for the companies involving hard physical labor to adhere to certain safety protocols to ensure the safety of its employees. The companies will have to settle the claim for really huge amounts and their insurance costs will skyrocket. The legal costs of the companies will also be high if many lawsuits occur. In some cases the insurance will also not cover their costs if the companies fail to have the basic security infrastructure in place. If the company during the initial stages provided its employees with proper security gear, many accidents can be prevented from happening in the first place.

Say for example, an employee working in a warehouse if provided with the mandatory security gear accidents will not happen in majority of the cases. But even while adhering to best possible security protocols, there might be accidents and workers can get disabled (Tompa et al, 2009). Such cases are possible and the company must plan ahead for such unfortunate incidents. The study also suggests that the companies that require the personnel to engage in hard physical tasks must have multi level disability programs initiated during the inception of the company itself. This will lead to the companies being able to manage the expenses incurred if any of its employees gets disabled while working. During the initial stages, the set up of safety infrastructure might be high but in the end it pays. This theory was proven by the statistical analysis of data. It was proven in the study of Tompa et al (2009) that there was marked economic benefit to the company by the adherence of certain security protocols. For the basic data collection for this analysis, Tompa et al, (2009) had collected data from various journals, reviewed case histories, studied the results of various journals and publications. From this the empirical data was collected and the data was further analyzed using statistical tools. This study also suggests methods as how to encompass the safety and security methodologies in various industries and have proven their theories. However, this study does have its limitations. It has analyzed only one dimension of benefits. There are numerous benefits that can be concluded by further evidence and statistical analysis of the data.

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