21 11 月, 2018







For being successful in generalizing the key findings, the sample should represent a specific population. Because of restrictions in cost and time, there will be limited interviews involved. To obtain a better sample, it has been decided for contacting the education institute and its relevant department through telephone only as the chances of obtaining immediate response is high. There can be establishment of qualitative research on the basis of opportunistic samples or convenience. The key goal lies in the generation of in-depth analysis so there is less significance of problems related to representativeness. There will be selection of sample by convenient sample as this will be done on the basis of likelihood and size of international presentation.


There was first sending of a standardized email to the reception of education institute seeking the information to contact the right people. After the collection of significant contact details, there will be sending of an email as the initial contact and seek their permission regarding participating in the research. The sample will consider the representatives involved in the international marketing of education institutes . The key reason is that each and every respondent will have similar values and culture, implying its presence in a number of international markets.

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