30 6 月, 2018



妇女的直接社交圈有可能导致妇女吸毒或滥用药物的必要危险因素。这些因素是研究研究可能表明的,作为女性的发起者比男性更普遍。其中一些是由女性所生活的社交圈引起的压力。他们可能因为工作而有压力,可能在女性的工作或学习环境中产生负面影响,或者她们可能处于更糟糕的关系中,从而使她们处于高风险(Greenfield et al ., 2010)。在一个女人的背景下开始吸毒通常是通过这个女人的男朋友,她的丈夫,家庭成员或一些亲密的朋友。家庭的影响往往是原因,因为它形成了一个非常密切的社会圈为人民。女性所处的环境和遗传因素的结合也可以发挥作用。就直接的社交圈来说,女性可能生活在一个混乱的环境中。他们可能生活在一个好争论的地方,或者一个非常暴力的家庭。这可能会增加女性的压力因素,导致她们滥用药物。在某些情况下,可能还有其他原因,如社会圈中经济因素的压力。


在社交圈中,女性所处的关系起着非常特殊的作用。事实上,一些研究表明,与其他问题相比,女性比男性更有可能认为感情问题更有压力。在充满压力的关系中,伴侣的虐待,甚至是伴侣开始吸毒和滥用药物都将导致女性尝试同样的动机(Davis 1993)。由于共用针头的做法,一些女性可能会在不知不觉中感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病等疾病,这又增加了她们开始使用药物的风险。其他风险因素的社会环境导致女性面临的风险增加药物滥用是寻求心灵感觉的行为,尤其是在这种情况下,他们是一群在大学也有类似的刺激寻求行为,或女性患有某种形式的创伤后应激问题,焦虑和抑郁的女性,饮食失调和更多(格兰巴姆等,2002)。妇女社会中存在的危险因素本身是很多的,因此不能将一个因素作为问题背后的原因加以孤立。妇女可能会受到社会经济状况或社会文化问题的影响,而且这些压力源可能是药物滥用的某种形式的触发器或引发剂(Khajedaluee et al, 2015)。


Women’s immediate social circle carries the necessary risk factors that might initiate women into drug or substance abuse. These are factors that research studies might indicate are more prevalent as initiators for women than for men. Some of them are that of stress induced in the social circle where the women live. There might be stress because of their job, there might be negative effects in the work or study environment of the women or they might be in some worse relationships that puts them at high risk (Greenfield et al, 2010). Drug abuse initiation in the context of a woman will usually happen through a boyfriend of the woman, her husband, family member or some close friend. A familial influence is more often the reason as it forms a very close social circle for the people. A combination of the environment in which the women live and the effect of genetics can also play a role. In terms of immediate social circle, the women might live in a chaotic situation. They might live in an argumentative place or a very violent household. This could result in increased stress factors for the woman leading them to abusing drugs. In some cases, there could be other reasons such as that of stress of the economic factor in the social circles.

In social circles, the relationships that the women are in play a very special role. In fact, as some studies show women are more likely than men to consider relationship issues as being more stressful compared to that of other issues. In the context of a stress filled relationship, abuse by partner or even the initiation of drug and substance abuse by a partner will all lead to motivation for the women to try the same (Davis 1993). Some women might also unknowingly contract diseases such as HIV/AIDS because of needle sharing practices and this again increases their risk of initiation with respect to drugs. Some other risk factors in the social environment of the women that lead to them facing increased risk of drug abuse are that of sensation seeking behavior, especially in such cases where they are part of a group in college that has similar thrill seeking behavior, or women suffering from some form of post-traumatic stress issues, women with anxiety and depression, eating disorders and more (Grunbaum, et al, 2002).The risk factors that are present in the women’s social circle are by itself many and hence one factor cannot be isolated as the reason behind the issue. The women might be affected by socio-economic situations, or socio-cultural issues and more, and each of these stressors might act as some form of a trigger or an initiator for drug abuse (Khajedaluee et al, 2015).

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