10 10 月, 2018




他们需要与27个欧盟成员国找到可行的关系,并为世界各国制定新的贸易规则。欧盟成员国包括大约22个贸易协定和5个多边协定。这些国家包括多个国家。英国需要证明,这些协议是有利可图的投资。英国被认为是一个更大的市场,它有激励其他国家谈判达成协议的动机。国家必须发展一种对国家所有利益相关者都有利的工作模式(Galsworthy & McKee, 2017)。


最后,还有世界贸易组织的规则。这些都适用于所有成员或自由运动。这被发现没有义务适用欧盟法律。然而,欧盟其他国家将期望遵守法律(BBC, 2016)。因此,目前会有某种形式的关税,这将继续与欧盟的贸易。英国将不必面对这些关税的冲击。服务和贸易将在这一过程中受到限制。英国需要采取一种基于形势主观需求的模式。英国必须解决这一基本需要,以确保取得全面进展。有许多经济模式,这些模式中的任何一个都可以被国家用于全面进步


After UK voted to shift focus from the EU, the country needs to establish new trade relationships. It was necessary to redefine the existing models of economic relations to suit the idea of newer workplace relationships and here, the United Kingdom and its insurance industry would need some rework.
They need to find a workable relationship with the 27 EU members and form newer trade regulations for nations across the world. EU membership encloses around 22 trade agreements and five multi-lateral agreements. These include multiple countries. UK needs to show that they are a lucrative investment for these agreements. Britain is considered to be a larger market that has incentives for other countries to negotiate a deal. It is imperative for the nation to develop a working model that would be beneficial for all the stakeholders of the nation (Galsworthy & McKee, 2017).


Finally, there are the World Trade Organization rules. These are found to apply to all the members or free movement. This is found to have no obligation to apply the EU laws. However, the rest of the EU will expect adherence to laws (BBC, 2016). Therefore, there will be some form of tariff at present and this will continue to be in place with EU trade. UK will not have to face the brunt of these tariffs. Service and trades would be restricted in the process. Britain needs to adopt a model that is based on the subjective needs of the situation. It is imperative for Britain to address this basic need in order to ensure that there is holistic progress. There are many economic models and any one of these models can be used by the nation for all around progress.

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