10 2 月, 2019



根据日本的就业统计数据(Yoshimoto, 2002),在日本,非工作人员和既没有失业也没有参加劳动的人都被认为是“非劳动人口”。在日本,这些年轻人和未婚失业者的数量正在增加。根据日本的政策制定者,“没有接受教育、就业或培训的年轻人被称为啃老族”(Genda, 2007, p. 24)。劳动被认为是社会中老年人的社会义务,这就是为什么在工作中优先考虑老年人和老年人。一些人认为啃老族懒惰、娇生惯养,而另一些人则认为啃老族是弱势群体,他们很难找到工作。这些失业的日本青年也被称为“单身寄生虫”(Genda, 2013),因为失业问题不是暂时的,而是一个长期的社会问题。


失业率还包括那些不想找工作的人,其中许多人没有合适的研究生学位可以工作。例如,大约40%的日本青年失业或不规则的工人,其中的一些与父母同住,仍然在经济上依赖于他们,因为认为“劳动是一个成年人的社会成员的责任”(Yoshimoto,2002年,p . 9)。一些无业青年不找工作,即使他们想要的工作。有些人是非求职者,他们渴望工作,但不积极找工作。有些年轻人没有工作,没有任何工作的愿望。因此,失业也取决于人们的态度。


In Japan, the non-employed people and people who are neither unemployed and are not active in labour force are all considered as ‘non-labour force’ according to the Japan’s employment statistics (Yoshimoto, 2002). The number of these young people and unmarried unemployed people is increasing in Japan. According to the policy makers of Japan, the “youth who are not in education, employment or training are called as NEETs” (Genda, 2007, p. 24). Labour is considered as the social duty of the older people of the society, and this is why preferences in jobs are given to elderly and older people. Some of the people consider NEET’s as lazy and spoiled, while others consider them as the disadvantaged people, who find difficulty in finding employment. These unemployed youth of Japan are also called as the ‘parasite singles’ (Genda, 2013), as the problem of unemployment is not temporary, but it is a long term social problem.


The rate of unemployment also includes those people, who do not want to get employed and many of them do not have appropriate graduate degrees to work. For example, approximately, 40% youth of Japan are unemployed or irregular workers, some of them live with their parents and are still financially dependent on them because of the belief that “labour is the duty of an adult member of society” (Yoshimoto, 2002, p. 9). Some of the unemployed youth do not look for jobs, even though they want jobs. Some are non job seekers, who desire to work but do not actively seek jobs. Some of the youth are those who are jobless and do not display any desire to work. Thus, being unemployed also depends on the attitudes of people.

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