12 6 月, 2020




包括和尊重学生经历的一种方式是支持他们的家庭参与到他们的学习环境中。Sams和Bergmann(2012)发现翻转课堂的方式改变了教育者与家长对话的方式(Nielsen, 2012)。在这种方法中,学生的家长被认为熟悉课程中的单元主题,因为家庭成员都在检查他们的家庭作业。在教育工作者和家长的会议上,谈话结束了,并超越了问题,更好地讨论了改进方法和教学的差距(Staker and Horn, 2012)。问题可能很多,但当父母沉迷于问正确的问题时,问题就变得更加突出。例如,“我的孩子在课堂上表现良好吗?”


由于这一点,教育工作者设法获得了许多机会来收集对学生擅长的关键领域和他们面临困难的领域的具体解释(皮尔森教育,2012)。除此之外,学生们还互相分享视频,这对学生产生了负面影响(Critz & Knight, 2013)。根据Bergmann和Sams班的学生(2012)在一项调查中报告,大多数学生的家长在加强孩子学习的同时,一直在与他们的孩子一起观看视频。此外,有人认为,坐在一起观看录象带会使有关联检组内容的讨论更加深入。从这个角度来看,很明显,翻转课堂的方法允许家庭跟随或参与学生的教育(Enfield, 2013)。


Code和Zaparyniuk声称,将权威结构转移到学生而不是教育者是在课堂上构建知识、构建社区和创造意义的主要要求(Flumerfelt & Green, 2013)。如果不是这样,那么我们就会发现,学生对于提高学习的依赖程度更大,而不会自己行动。除此之外,教育者还应该关注社交网络对学习者中介能力的鼓励。这存在于构建知识、集体探究以及为与实践相关的社区发展创造意义的环境中(Flumerfelt & Green, 2013)。


One way of including and honoring the experience of the student is to support the involvement of their family within their learning environment. It had been found by Sams and Bergmann (2012) that the approach of flipped class resulted in changing the way in which educators had a conversation with the parents (Nielsen, 2012). In this approach, parents of the students were seen to have familiarity with the unit topics within the course, as the members of the family were engaged in checking out their homework. During the meetings of educators and parents, the conversation ended up moving beyond problems with a better discussion regarding the ways of improving and the gaps in teaching (Staker and Horn, 2012). The problem may be many, but this becomes more prominent when parents indulge in asking the right questions. For example, “Is my child delivering well behavior in the classroom?”

Due to this, educators managed to obtain a number of opportunities to gather specific explanation of the key areas in which the student has excelled along with the areas where they face struggle (Pearson Education, 2012). In addition to this, students had been seen sharing the videos with one another that negatively affects the student (Critz & Knight, 2013). As reported by students from the class of Bergmann and Sams (2012) within a survey, parents of majority of the students had been watching videos in alignment with their children while enhancing the learning of children. Besides, it was perceived that sitting together and watching videos resulted in better discussions regarding the content of the unit. From this perspective, it becomes evident that the approach of flipped classroom allows the families to follow or partake in the education of students (Enfield, 2013).

It had been asserted by Code and Zaparyniuk that shifting structure of authority to the student rather than the educator is a major requirement for constructing knowledge, building community and making meaning in the classroom (Flumerfelt & Green, 2013). If this is not the case, then it is found that the student has larger dependency on the educator for enhancement of learning and will not act by themselves. In addition to this, educators should be focused on the encouragement of learner agency by social networks. This exists in the establishment of contexts for building knowledge, inquiring collectively, and making meaning for the development of community related to practice (Flumerfelt & Green, 2013).

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