21 12 月, 2017



每一次选举都有总统候选人在争论枪支法律问题,有些人支持它,有些人无视它,并引用公民的自由和权利来保护自己。即使在数百次选举中,由于滥用枪支私人所有者而导致的死亡人数保持不变或在某些情况下(如2016年的“枪支管制和枪支权利”)的增加,也几乎没有实现。根据Miller,Azrael,& Hemenway(2002)所做的一项研究发现,在美国地区发生的杀人案中,约有68%是死于枪支的,其中大部分使用的是手枪。这是一项研究的一部分,它显示了1988 – 1997年期间发生的杀人案的数量,虽然十年前,但是生命的损失永远不能等同于任何价值。这表明,枪支法是这里的主要关切事项,必须优先重新审查和修订,不论政府采取了什么优先事项。

在最近的一个最新研究由Grinshteyn &海明威进行(2016)相比,美国的死亡率与其他人口稠密的经合组织国家,我们发现他杀率高出7倍高于任何其他国家,进而推动了基于枪的杀人率为25.2%高于所有其他经合组织国家。难道这还不足以让政府轻易地向私人所有者出售枪支吗?这些死亡人数不足以促使政府立即重新考虑枪支法吗?这已经足够了,但是法律没有得到适当的讨论,并且被认为不那么重要。这些暴力的死亡是人权、公共卫生和政府政策措施的问题,提供了足够的证据来纠正它,但每次它的重要性被证明是正确的,它就会被置若罔闻。


Every election has presidential candidates battling over the issue of gun laws, with some supporting it, some ignoring it and citing freedom and rights of citizens to protect themselves. Little has been achieved even when hundreds of elections have gone through and the deaths originating from the misuse of private owners of gun have remained constant or rather rising at some instance (“Gun Control and Gun Rights”, 2016). According to a research conducted by Miller, Azrael, & Hemenway (2002) it was found that about 68% homicides occurring in the US region and states were killed with guns, of which handguns were the large majority used. This is one part of the research that shows the number of homicides occurring during 1988-1997, though a decade ago, but a loss of life can never be equated with any amount of value. This indicates that gun laws are a major concern here and must be revisited and revised on a priority, irrespective of whatever priority the government has adopted.

In one recent latest research conducted by Grinshteyn & Hemenway (2016) who compared the death rates of the US with other populous OECD countries, US was found to have 7 times higher homicide rates higher than any other country, which in turn was driven by a gun based homicide rate of 25.2 percent higher than all other OECD countries. Is this not enough for the government to easy sale of guns to private owners, and are the deaths not enough to encourage the government to immediately revisit gun laws? It is enough, but the laws have been not discussed appropriately, and are considered as less important. These violent deaths are an issue of human rights, public health, and government policy initiatives, providing enough evidence for correcting it, but falls on deaf ears every time its importance is justified.

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