11 11 月, 2017



在这种情况下,谈判代表的角色变得很重要。他们是每个政党在谈判过程中指定代表人民的人或组织。谈判代表是雇主在他们的协议中所涵盖的人。他们可以是工会成员,也可以是代表工会利益的人。议价代表可以是被雇主或雇员保留的人(Creighton and Forsyth,2012)。2009年《公平工作法》最重要的一点是双方都应该进行的诚信努力。对于参与这个过程的各方来说,这必须是公平和明确的。双方都必须意愿履行强制性义务。不应该在适当的地方混淆其他成员。协议的条款必须有明确的规定。一旦条款被规定,协议条款的成员将被给予7天的时间来理解合同条款。




In this case, the role of the bargaining representative becomes important. They are the person or the organization that each party would appoint to represent the people in the bargaining process. The bargaining representative is the person that the employers would cover in their agreement. They could be a trade union member or a person entitled to represent the interest of the trade unions. The bargaining representative could be the person that was retained by the employer or the employee to be covered in the agreement (Creighton and Forsyth, 2012). The most important aspect of the Fair Work Act of 2009 is good faith efforts which should be practiced by both the sides. It must be fair and clear to all the parties who are involved in the process. Both the parties must intend to meet the mandatory obligations. It should not be ambiguous clause in place to confound the other members. There must be clarity in the terms of the agreement. Once the terms are dictated, the members of both the agreement terms are given a period of 7 days to understand the contractual terms.

They are allowed to vote on the terms of the agreement. This would ensure that they meet the mandatory requirement. Added to this, once the agreement is drawn in accordance with the legal mandates, they need to be approved by the Fair Work Act commission. Once the commission approved the terms of the contractual agreement, they become a part of the law that would be enforceable. In cases of disputes, the Fair Work Act commission would make determination after detailed discussion with the representative from both the ends of the agreement. Clauses would be drawn and detailed discussions would be made. Allowances will be made to the parties to come to an agreement. In cases where the parties are unable to come to a consensus, Fair Work Act commission will undertake the role of the mediator mandates that would be enforced. The legal requirements of the terms will be enforced in the agreement. This is subjective based on the different factors that are dependent on the situation. Owing to this, there will be reasonable efforts taken by the Fair Work Act commission to bring to a consensus all the important aspects. These are the overall process that is used to bring the enterprise agreement to fruition. The most important aspect of this agreement is the legalities. It is imperative to assume that certain legal mandates which must be enforced in this case. It is imperative for the parties to ensure that these legal mandates are adhered. They have been explored in the following section.

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