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To introduce the following English point of graduation thesis writing. Thesis writing time for two months or so commonly, hair down at the end of may subject range, made plan (proposal) in late June. Mentor, to give some feedback. Written mainly in July and August, about 10000 words. When writing a business plan to draw up a topic. Teacher saw, ask your outline. Topics may need to change several times, because is not good. Teacher will not say a certain range. Need to find information in a wide range, come up with a topic, if not possible, you need to modify. Began to write, because a lot of information, especially the initial were writing background, will feel pretty easy, and write soon enough words. However, when the center of your written papers, you will find very difficult, because must be combined with theory, combined with his own perspective to support, must have their own thinking to apply knowledge, so the organization would be difficult to language and logical order. If the content is very much, if there is no subheadings, can appear very no structure and logic. Write a paper also need to have a plan, for example, your time to check information, which time filtering information. Actually start to write, because check information used for a long time, midway again to see teacher, to discuss the structure, etc., may not be able to carry out the schedule. From the pen to write truly, may need to half a month’s time. I would suggest that you at least 10 days in advance written, so just have time to check again and again.

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下面介绍一下英国毕业论文写作的要点。论文写作时间一般为两个月左右,5月底题目范围发下来,6月下旬交了计划书(proposal)。导师看过之后,给一些反馈。主要是7、8月写的,大约1万字。在写计划书的时候需拟定一个题目。导师看了之后,会问你的提纲。题目可能需要改好几次,因为不好定。导师也不会说一个确定的范围。需要在很广的范围内查资料、想出题目后,如果不可行,就需要修改。 刚开始写的时候,因为资料很多,尤其最初是写背景的话,会觉得蛮容易的,很快就写够字数。但是,当你写到论文的中心时,就会发现很难,因为必须要结合理论加上自己的观点来支持,要有自己的思维来运用知识,所以在组织语言和逻辑顺序上会比较难。 如果内容很多,如果没有小标题的话,会显得非常没有结构和逻辑。写论文也得需要有一个规划,比如,哪个时间段用来查资料,哪个时间段筛选资料。真正开始写的时候,由于查资料用了比较长的时间,中途又去见导师、讨论结构等等,可能无法执行这个时间表。从真正动笔到写完,可能需要大半个月的时间。我建议,大家至少提前10天左右写完,这样才有时间反复检查。