





In clause 11, it can be seen that a diverse range of issues are taken up. At one end, there is the activity planner set up, and at another the different planning strategies for urban growth are presented. The urban expansion is so planned that the regions of high capacity growth are given importance, for this strategic direction are taken from the Department of Sustainability. The residential dwelling is encouraged in a compact way, but at the same time no tradeoff has been made on the allowable residential density. Only a minimum of 15 dwellings are allowed in the case of a developable hectare, anything more is considered to be of too much density for the place to support, especially in the context of having the right public transportation systems and other regional line infrastructure. This planning is thorough and efficient as it not only considered the people’s perspective with respect to a place to stay, but also the ways they can be mobile and transported.


In the context of arranging for people spaces, it is seen that the Planning and Policy framework does not forget the need for open spaces. Open spaces are public areas for people to come together, such as in the context of recreation, for walking or exercising and sometimes just to enjoy the nature. Towards all these ends, it is seen that the Planning and development framework ensures that open spaces are conserved. The per hectare restriction that is placed for urban space development is seen to be interlinked with the provisions for open spaces. This is hence a well formed strategy. Similarly these strategies are also interlinks with the sub provision of clause 11, which provides for affordable housing. Affordable housing is an issue for the people (Parliament of Victoria, 2015). As population estimates rise, affordable housing will need to be addressed. Especially in the urban area, planning has to be done to reduce costs of living such that housing becomes affordable for everyone. In planning to make housing affordable for everyone, it is seen that social justice issues are also being addressed by the SPPF. The SPPF ensures that the cost of living and other facility access is made out equally to people.