22 5 月, 2018




张比较了改革的年代和毛泽东时代,这些问题的根源在于影响城市发展和维持生计的问题。在毛泽东时代,家庭和工作之间的通勤与改革时期的通勤方式有很大的不同,铁路和道路的限制是偶尔暴露出来的。当100万人同时从一个地区迁移到另一个地区时,它就像一个有着不负责任的基础设施解决方案的疯狂城市。他将城市化运动带来的问题通知了它,因为它始终致力于解决过度开发带来的问题,而不是为所有问题寻找和实施一种解决方案。选择一个永久减少基础设施负担的设计并不是在基础设施开发中使用(Liu, Yang and Lu, 2008),而是所有出现的问题都是由技术故障引起的。


Zhang has been careful and upfront in using the cases, incidence, and personal experiences in describing the lingering tax problem in his case study region, Guangzhou. His primary argument is this: considering genuine requirement of a city to turn urban and develop the infrastructure, all consistent methods of developments, be it protests, amendments, public interest litigation, public hearings, etc. are mere tools of political meddling and real-life problems originated have been rendered as ‘technical’ in nature (Zhang, 2016). He uses his own experience of the taxi shortage case in Guangzhou, of which he was a part in appealing the court to increase the number of taxis, as the primary tool in describing the social problems that arise. He stresses the lack of taxi service during the day in his region as one of the reasons behind the appeal to the court and government, as strong reasons to introduce more licenses for tax drivers.

Zhang compares the reforms age and the Mao age in which there lie the origins of the issues that disturb the urban development and its sustenance. In the Mao age, the commute between home and work was much different from the one in the reforms age, where the rail and road limits were intermittently exposed. When one million people move from one region to another at the same time, it resembles a mad city with irresponsible infrastructure solutions. He notifies the problems that the urbanization movement brings with it, in that it is always involved in fixing the problems arising out of excessive development instead of searching and implementing one solution for all problems. Opting for a design which perpetually reduces the burden on infrastructure is not used here in infrastructure development (Liu, Yang and Lu, 2008), and instead all problems arisen are treated as originating from technical glitches.


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