5 12 月, 2018



优酷土豆(Youku Tudou)和华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)的合作,最终成为漫威电影和电视剧在中国的独家在线平台。根据这项特别协议,电影和电视节目在网络平台上的营销将通过预告片、在线售票、原创节目甚至现场活动进行。特别是在宣传故事片方面,已经采取这些措施的特殊伙伴关系正在使用这些措施。


Marvel mix up的内容发布了各种丰富多彩的图片,发布了各种新闻和视频,增加了这些公司的流量。例如,有一次漫威在推特上发布了一段视频,里面包含了雷神托尔(Thor)等复仇者的所有角色。它很吸引观众和观众,观众甚至喜欢它。因此,这些都是像the wonder这样的组织正在使用的各种数字营销方法,因为这对于他们的节目或电影的推广是有用的,通过数字平台,组织甚至可以收集收入,扩大他们的业务。

优酷土豆网原创的《银河护卫队》(guardian of The Galaxy)和《美国队长:寒冬战士》(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)的预告片在中国联合推出,在中国累计吸引了约4100万观众。除了这些观众,VoD的观众约为1580万。


The Youku Tudou, along with the partnership of Walt Disney turned out to be an exclusive online platform for the Marvel movies and television shows in China . According to this particular agreement, the marketing of the movies and the television shows on the online platform would take place through the trailers, online ticketing, and original programming and even through live events . Especially in the promotion of the feature films, these measures are being used by the particular partnership that has taken place.


Marvel mix up their contents post various kinds of colourful images and post various kinds of news and videos, which increase the traffic of these companies . For example, once Marvel posted a video on their twitter handle, which contained all the Avenger characters such as Thor. It was intriguing for the viewers and the audiences, the audience even liked it as well. Hence, these are the various digital marketing methods that are being used by the organizations such as the Marvels, because it is useful for the promotion of their shows or films, through the digital platforms, the organization could even collect revenue and expand their business as well .

The original production of Youku TudouGuardian of the Galaxy and the trailer of Captain America: the Winter Soldier, which was co-marketed in China, received around 41millioncumulative viewers in China. Apart from these viewers, there are around 15.8 million VoD viewers .

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