21 2 月, 2018



近年来,丰田公司发生了巨大的变化,以保持市场上的相关竞争对手。这些都是在三年内完成的。作为启动步骤,公司决定进行符合公司结构变化的组织变革。这些因素导致丰田更加以市场为导向(Fullan 2014)。为了分析丰田变革管理的过程,该组采用的过程是对整个汽车行业进行宏观分析。基于这些变化,分析了员工职能的内部分析和公司的运作流程。在生产和销售之间观察到一体化。公司然后整合资源以优化资源。更好的整合导致进一步的发展。终身就业的概念发生了变化。生产过程中的这些变化以满足公司的变化。除此之外,电子变更在生产过程中符合消费者要求。变革管理的重要性在这一过程中得到了解。近年来,丰田已成为全球市场。它已经改变了这个过程,以满足满足新兴经济体对中国需求的需求。该公司对受雇于丰田的员工实施了四项规定。第一条规则是确保创建时间,顺序和结果。第二条规则是保持客户与供应商之间的沟通。第三条规则是尽可能保持公司的变化尽可能直接和简单。第四条规则是改善和改变公司的科学过程。最终,它将建立一个精益组织,生产对消费者无用的产品(Johnson 1992)。


该公司还引入了一种方法来满足过程中的利益相关方要求。该公司能够改变价值观并创造更新的计划和政策,而不会破坏指导个人选择的基本信念。雇主和监督者带来了公司的变化。他们尽力制定变革管理政策,以确保员工价值体系的变化不明显。该公司曾预期会有一定的变更管理阻力。他们能够发展公司的变革管理以满足人们的需求。公司的影响是为了建立一个人们接受变化的系统。这些变化是逐步实施的,不会在人们的头脑中造成冲击(Bowditch Buono,&Stewart,2007)。对结果的估价创造了一个系统,让人们可以毫不顾忌地前进。公司的经理们能够应对挑战(Alvesson&Sveningsson 2015)。这些因素使公司能够降低成本,优化资源并防止员工流失。在分析中确定,公司能够有效地实施变革,并导致持续的评估过程(Lakomski 2005)。这些都是为了确保公司能够在未来保持标准。分析得出的结论是,该公司能够基于其基于信任培育的组织文化流程得以维持(Ogbonna 1992)。这些是在这项研究中取得的重要意义。


In the recent years, Toyota has made dramatic changes to remain relevant competitor in the markets. These were done within the span of three years. As an inception step, the company decided to bring organizational changes that were in tune with the structural changes of the company. These factors caused Toyota to be more market oriented (Fullan 2014). To analyse the process of change management in Toyota, the process that was adopted by the group was to conduct macroscopic analysis of the overall automobile industry. Based on these changes, the internal analysis of the function of the employees and the operational process of the company were analysed. Integration was observed between production and sales. The company then integrated recourses to bring in optimization of the resources. Better integration leads to further development. The concept of lifelong employment was changed. These changes in the production process to meet the changes of the company were done. Added to this, e-changes was in the production process to meet consumer requirements. The importance of change management was comprehended in the process. In the recent years, Toyota has become the global market. It has changed the process to meet the requirements to address the needs in the emerging economies for China. The company enforced four rules for the people who were employed by Toyota. The first rule was to ensure that timing, sequence and outcome was created. The second rule was to maintain communication between customers to supplier. The third rule was to keep the changes in the company as direct and simple as possible. The fourth rule was to improve and change the scientific process of the companies. Ultimately, it was to create a lean organization that would produce the products that were useful to the consumer with zero waste (Johnson 1992).

The company had also brought in a method to meet the stakeholder requirements in the process. The company was able to change the values and create newer programs and policies without the impact of destroying the underlying beliefs that guide individual choices. The employers and the supervisors were brought into bringing the changes in the company. They had tried their best to develop a change management policy to ensure that no changes in the employee value system were evident. The company had expected certain change management resistance. They were able to develop the change management in the company to meet the requirements of the people. The impacts of the company were done to create a system where the people accepted the changes. The changes were applied at incremental levels to not create a shock in the minds of the people (Bowditch Buono, & Stewart, 2007). The valuation of the outcomes had created a system where the people were allowed to move forward without any apprehensive attitude. The managers of the company were able to approach the challenges (Alvesson & Sveningsson 2015). These factors enabled the company to reduce cost, optimize resources and lead to prevent of employee turnover of the processes. It was determined in the analysis that the company was able to implement changes effectively and these lead to the continual evaluation processes (Lakomski 2005). These were done to ensure that the company could maintain the standards in the future. It was concluded in the analysis that the company was able to sustain based on its process of organizational culture that was fostered based on trust (Ogbonna 1992). These were the important implications that were made in this research.

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