5 4 月, 2019



澳洲航空公司(Qantas airways company)是一家澳大利亚公司,是全球最大的航空公司之一。它始建于1920年。它从1935年开始提供国际客运航班服务。这家公司的总部设在悉尼。该公司在澳大利亚国内市场占有65%的份额(Sarina, and Wright, 2015.)。它与许多附属航空公司建立了联盟和伙伴关系。澳航公司还持有捷星航空公司的股份。高涨的燃料成本和来自其他竞争对手的激烈竞争,使该公司面临巨大的财务损失。公司不得不解雇员工来管理不断上升的成本和竞争。公司也需要依靠外国投资来维持(Hanlon, 2007)。公司出现了稳定的亏损,需要更好的管理才能维持下去。在这种支撑公司的情况下,公司内部和员工开始出现反弹。




澳航是一家提供全方位服务的航空公司,希望为人民提供高质量的服务,并确保他们的员工得到保护。澳大利亚人对这个品牌有着非常强烈的依恋。从销售角度看,该公司面临着来自阿提哈德航空(Etihad)和阿联酋航空(Emirates)等中东航空公司的问题。由于这些公司的发展,澳航的销售额下降了。他们能够提供低成本的国际机票,而公司却无法面对这些问题。当地瑞安航空提供的服务成本较低。这次竞争导致了公司在国内和国际销售上的问题。除了日益加剧的竞争问题,自然灾害问题也给公司造成了巨大的损失。仅2010年一年,该公司就因这些自然灾害面临超过2亿美元的损失。这些自然灾害也导致了燃料价格的上涨。燃料价格的上涨,加上激烈的竞争和自然灾害,给航空业造成了巨大的损失(Wessel, & Carey, 2005)。

为了应对竞争日益加剧的问题,航空公司采取了短期成本合理的方法。它的目的是降低运营成本,提高公司的短期生产力(Boyd, 2001)。这导致人们认为,澳航开始将利润置于员工之上。这种看法导致了公司的劳工问题。2011年,该公司发生了多起劳资纠纷。重组问题和裁员导致了工会的反应。劳资纠纷导致澳航航班停飞,并造成超过7000万美元的损失。美国航空业也面临着同样的情况。不断上升的劳动力成本、工会、放松管制、政府控制以及高涨的燃油价格,再加上激烈的竞争,使得航空业面临高度动荡的局面。为了解决这些问题,公司采取了一些基于理论的方法。


Qantas airway company is an Australian company and is one of the largest airlines in terms of fleet size and international flights. It was originally founded in 1920. It started its international passenger flight service from 1935. The headquarters of the company is in Sydney. The company has a 65% in the domestic market of Australia (Sarina, and Wright, 2015.). It has a number of alliances and partnerships with a variety of subsidiary airlines. Qantas company also has stakes in Jetstar companies. The soaring fuel costs and the intensive competition from other rival companies has caused the company to face huge financial losses. The company had to let go of employees to manage the rising costs and competition. There was also a need for the company to depend on foreign investment to sustain (Hanlon, 2007)). The company was posting steady losses and there was a need of better management for the company to sustain. In this situation of sustaining the company had started to face backlash within the internal communities and its employee.

The purpose of this analysis is to understand the complexities and the volatility factors that the Qantas airway faces and develop recommendations using academic theories to address the challenges faced by Qantas Airlines.


Complexity or the volatility factor in Qantas

Qantas airlines is full service airlines that is expected to provide quality services to the people and ensure that their workers were protected. The Australian people have a very strong attachment towards the brand. From a sales perspective the company was facing issues from middle eastern carriers such as Etihad and Emirates. The sales of Qantas declined owing to the development of these companies. They were able to provide low cost international air fares and the company was not able to face these issues. Locally Ryanair was providing lower cost services. This competition had caused the company issues in sales both domestically and internationally. Other than the rising issue of competition the issues of natural disasters had caused the company substantial losses. In 2010 year alone the company faced over 200 million dollars in losses owing to these natural disasters. These natural disasters also led to the increase of the fuel prices. The rise in fuel prices combined with intense competition and natural disasters had caused the airline industry substantial losses (Wessel, & Carey, 2005)).

To handle the issue of increasing competition airlines adopted a short term approach cost rational approach. It was aimed at reducing the operational cost and increase the short term productivity of the company (Boyd, 2001) . This lead to the perception that the Qantas started to give precedence to profits over employee. This was the perception that was held which lead to labor issues of the company. In 2011 there were a number of industrial disputes that arose in the company. There was the restructure issues and labor downsizing that had caused the unions to react. The labor disputes lead to the grounding of the Qantas flights and led to losses over $70 million. The US airline industry also faces the same situation. Rising labor costs, union, deregulation, governmental control and surging fuel prices coupled with heavy competition has caused the airline industry to face a highly volatile situation. To address these issues the company has undertaken some theory based approaches.

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