21 10 月, 2020




系统范式和ABC范式明显不同,前者是动态的,而后者是相当静态的,但它们是互补的。ABC范式可以提供一个广泛的框架,在这个框架内分析冲突,选择边界,定义主要变量和它们之间的关系,并最终建立模型”(Gallo, 2013, p.161)。

根据ABC三角形,A代表态度,B代表行为,C代表矛盾。这些冲突必须由这三个要素来表现。必须以建设性的方式将这些因素结合起来,以解决冲突。在这个体系中没有考虑到某些方面,它可能是消极的构建,如许多事物的矛盾(Gallo & Marzano, 2009)。


使用系统方法可以更好地为所有涉众提供解决方案。所有的利益相关者必须对这种情况感到满意,否则冲突充其量只是表面的或短期的解决方案。国家权力必须工作在一个非常全面的有人,在这方面,由Gallo(2013)提出的系统方法是有用的。本研究论文工作的局限性是,系统方法只适用于一个案例研究,并已被理解在该案例研究的上下文。在其他情况下应用和理解案例研究方法会更有帮助,也会更全面。此外,正如Gallo在他的研究中指出的,“不仅在他的模型中没有容纳人口和武装叛乱分子的社会根源的空间,而且他的方法是严格框架内的主流西方安全话语”(Gallo, 2013年,第174页)。当以类似的方式讨论其他模型时,此模型将受到一些限制。


State variables are about the structural aspects of a situation and are more of a sustainable solution as they indicate a change (Wils et al., 1998). However, the change for a state variable can only happen through an activity variable. It is necessary for there to be a holistic change management based on all the system variables. Understanding this would be better when considering Galtung’s ABC triangle in context.

“The systems paradigm and the ABC one are clearly different, the former being dynamic whereas the latter is quite static, but they are complementary. The ABC paradigm may provide the broad framework within which the conflict is analysed, the boundaries are chosen, the main variables and the relations among them are defined, and eventually, the model is built” (Gallo, 2013, p.161).

As per the ABC triangle, A representing attitudes, B representing behaviour and C representing contradiction. These conflicts must be represented by all three elements. It is necessary for a conflict to be solved by the combination of these elements in a constructive manner. Certain aspects are not considered in this system It could be negative construction such as a contradiction of many things (Gallo & Marzano, 2009).


The use of the systems approach is better to bring a solution that cates to all stakeholders. All stakeholders must be happy with the situation or the conflict will at best be superficial or a short-term solution. State powers must work on a very holistic manned and in that the systems approach as presented by Gallo (2013) is useful. The limitations of this research essay work are that the systems approach was only applied for one of the case studies and has been understood in context of that case study alone. On applying and understanding the case study approach for other situations would be more helpful and it would be more holistic as well. Additionally as Gallo points out in his research, “Not only in his model is there no room for the population and for the social roots of the armed insurgents, but his approach is strictly framed within the mainstream western security discourse” (Gallo, 2013, p.174). When discussing other models in a similar fashion, this model would suffer some limitations.

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