





In present times more and more content written by authors is becoming digital and the owners of the work are becoming more cautious for owing the authority of their original work and creativity they used in doing that work. Therefore all are at an increasing rate using intellectual property rights or copyrights for safeguarding the originality of their work and seeking help of law in doing so. This has resulted in a culture that is known as ‘permission culture’, in which creators of works need legal protection for the protection of the originality of their works, it’s not a situation of free culture as here creativity is not presumptively allowed as it was allowed in past years.

Copyrights came into existence from preventing and even restricting the publishers in exerting excess control over the information. In present scenario it is doing a negative work as it curtails the creativity in spreading all over by restricting individuals from creating new works with the help of former works as they are protected by copyright laws. For example in America the duration of copyright had risen to 95years at present from 28 years in 19th century (Cohen, 2006). It covers all the works and not only registered minority works as it was necessary to be in past. It even applies to media and not only limited to printed matter and derivative works. Such broad scope and application of copyright laws was not expected in past when copyright laws originated.