15 3 月, 2019




西方社会就是一个很好的例子。在这些社会中,我们有一种倾向,认为能说一种以上语言的人往往属于例外。然而,关于世界人口的报告指出,大约一半到四分之三的人口在一定程度上倾向于保持双语(Molinsky, 2012)。这一比例涉及到大约40亿会说两种语言的人。当人们倾向于用不同的语言交谈时,这显然意味着他们也有不同的方式来理解世界。

法国小说家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)的这句话为上述结果增添了价值。他说,发现是用新的眼睛发现的,而不是用新的土地发现的。当我们有机会与来自不同背景的人一起工作时,我们往往会获得想法和前景。此外,我们也学习别人的文化。那些人生中第一次发生的情况给了我们体验世界的机会。这就是坚持让学生对全球文化有更深入了解的原因。

需要运用人际交往技巧来提高自我意识。在工作场所多元化和包容性的时代,提高我们的文化素养绝对需要跨文化沟通技巧(Molinsky, 2012)。作为在全球经济中做出贡献的专业人士,旨在了解我们独特的工作风格,以及如何利用这种独特的工作风格,可能会让我们、乃至我们的同行和组织处于获得成功的最佳位置。

然而,文化需要被视为这种多样性的核心,因为文化的本质是极其个人化的。有三个因素影响我们的行为,包括价值观,态度和信念。很明显,该国的边界并不是建立高质量关系的障碍(Rachels, 1993)。


我想说的是,当你有机会在国际环境中体验工作时,了解所有这三个因素是至关重要的。如果学习没有发生,显然就会有一场对使命的斗争。在我看来,文化意识将有助于在未来驱动,知识,战略和行动。在未来的职业生涯中,各种各样的文化交流是非常重要的,它将有助于推动高速增长,不仅对职业发展,而且对人格的改善(Platts, 2003)。了解不同的文化,能够了解不同的意识形态和活动,在不同的地点,这使得个人的联系,为更好的专业战略。


这表明文化意识不仅对今天的职业生活产生影响,而且对未来也会产生影响(Platts, 2003)。因此,对于不同的文化学习,始终保持开放的选择,以便在未来受益。这样做的好处可能比预期的要大,比如职业发展、深入了解当地文化以及制定更好的策略。


Culture has a direct impact on the beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and thoughts. It also influences the way we perceive other things and establish relationships and also carry on with activities. This clearly shows that cultural understanding has the ability to deal with all those people who are from different backgrounds and varied traditions.

A good example is the happening in western societies. In these societies, we have the tendencies to assume that the ability to speak more than a language is often falling under the exceptional category. However, the report on world’s population says that about half to three quarters of the population tend to remain bilingual to certain extent (Molinsky, 2012). This proportion comes to about four billion people who are bilingual. When people tend to converse in different languages, it obviously means that they also have different ways to understand the world.

The statement of Marcel Proust, a French novelist, adds value to the aforementioned result. He states that discovery happens with new eyes and not with new lands. When we get the opportunities to work with people from different backgrounds, we tend to gain ideas and prospects. Moreover, we also learn cultures of others. Those situations that have happened for the first time in life give us the chances to experience the world. This is the very reason to insist that students should gain deeper knowledge on the global cultures.

Interpersonal skills need to be applied for better awareness of oneself. In the age of workplace diversity and inclusion, it absolutely demands cross-cultural communication skills to raise our cultural literacy (Molinsky, 2012). As professionals contributing in a global economy, aiming to understand our unique work style and how it can be leveraged can be the difference that puts us, and by extension, our peers and organisation, in the best place to succeed.

Yet culture needs to be considered at the heart of this diversity because culture, by its very nature, is extremely personal and individual. There are three factors that influence our behaviour and these include values, attitudes and beliefs. It is evident that the borders of the country do not stand as barriers to establish quality relationships (Rachels, 1993).


I would say that when you get the opportunity to experience work in an international environment, it is essential to learn about all these three factors. If the learning does not happen, there is obviously a struggle towards mission. In my view, the cultural awareness will help in future as Drive, Knowledge, Strategy and Action. In future profession, all the kind of cultural communication is important and will help in driving high growth not only to the career growth but also to the personality improvement as well (Platts, 2003). Understanding various kind of cultures, enables to understand various ideologies and activities around, in different locations and that makes the personal connection there for better professional strategies.

For example, the traditions of Japan have taken about 1000 years for the development. These traditions have got stronger impacts in the personal and professional lives. Further, Japanese workers follow the tradition to association with the employers and scare to go against their colleagues and managers.

This indicates the way cultural awareness can actually makes the impact in the professional life not only for today but also it will impact in future too (Platts, 2003). Therefore, always keep options open for various cultural learning so that it benefits in future. The benefits can be tremendous than expected like career growth, in-depth local culture learning and making better strategies.

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