18 7 月, 2019



现代的企业需要与许多人和利益相关者紧密合作。他们需要确保向消费者提供高质量的服务或交付物。为了满足消费者的需求,企业试图创建自己的模式来解决企业的这些目标。B2B和B2C营销与消费市场有一定的相似性。它们都需要满足最终消费者的需求。除此之外,还有一些独特的因素使市场与众不同。这个链条的利益相关者包括终端消费者、经销商、代理商、零售商、分销商、分销商和销售团队。他们需要团结一致地工作,以确保有一个适当的业务流程。在商业市场中存在着一种进入市场的策略,这是由于在这个过程中产品和购买者的性质所决定的(Facchetti et al., 2005)。我们发现,分销渠道的发展和演变能够认识到各种因素,并最大限度地发挥提供给制造商和最终用途的价值。企业能够维持下去的基本方式之一是确保它们满足价值链。在这一过程中,买方与供应商的关系是最重要的系统之一。为了创建内聚解决方案,需要检查这些启发式。


例如IBM,诺华,香奈儿。特斯拉(Tesla)、培生(Pearson ELT U-Haul)和杜克能源公司(Duke energy company)被用于该分析,以确定商业模式中的价值链


The businesses in the modern time need to work cohesively with a number of people and stakeholder. They need to ensure that the consumers are given quality services or deliverables. In order to meet the needs of the consumers, the businesses try to create their own schema to address these objectives of the companies. The B2B and B2C marketing are found to have certain similarities with the consumer markets. They all need to meet the end consumer demands. Added to this, there are unique factors that differentiate the markets. The stakeholders in this chain involve end consumer, dealer, agents, retailers, distributors, resellers and sales teams. They need to work in cohesion to ensure that there is a proper flow of operations. There is a go-to-market strategy that is found to exist in the business markets owing to the nature of the products and buyers in the process (Facchetti et al., 2005). The distribution channels are found to be developed and evolved in ways that can recognize the factors and maximize the value that is provided to the manufacturer and the end uses. One of the fundamental ways in which the businesses can sustain is by ensuring that they meet the value chains. In this process, the buyer-supplier relationship is one of the most important systems. These heuristics needs to be examined in order to create cohesive solution.

The purpose of this analysis is to understand the buyer-supplier power to be important to the management and outcome of buyer-supplier exchanges

The examples of IBM, Novartis, Chanel. Tesla, Pearson ELT U-Haul and Duke energy company have been used in this analysis to determine the value chain in the business model

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