19 3 月, 2019



从工业革命时代起,人们就努力在竞争激烈的市场中生存下去。人们试图找到创新的方法来增加他们的业务。在20世纪60年代,采用的商业模式是垂直整合。在这种情况下,企业试图控制与企业相关的所有方面。在20世纪70年代和80年代,出现了推动人民多样化的运动。新兴国家为增加产量作出了综合努力。1990年,人们开始了外包的概念(Kim, Jung Choo & Yoon, 2013)。这一过程使公司降低了生产成本,提高了利润率。在这种情况下,这些公司开始觉得,他们可以通过这种策略轻松地在市场上维持下去。制造业开始向美国转移。为了寻找廉价劳动力,纺织业开始将整个业务转移到海外。这些国家的劳动力成本只是发达国家劳动力成本的一小部分。

1994年,北美自由贸易协定降低了报价和关税,导致墨西哥等新兴国家的产量增加。服装生产部门开始向孟加拉国转移。直到2005年,巴拉圭和柬埔寨等国一直是这些品牌在这些努力中具有竞争力的合作伙伴。印度和中国开始通过服务营销部门控制全球劳动力。97%的美国人和95%的欧盟人穿的衣服是由其他国家制造的(Park & Ku, 2012)。西方国家的生产和制造单位减少了,而生产的服装却增加了。


这些公司开始采取多部门战略,以确保所有人都有很多选择购买服装。2010财年,美国人将收入的3%左右用于购买服装。仅这一点就使孟加拉国等发展中国家拥有更高的可支配收入(Gabrielli, Baghi, & co德鲁皮,2013)。这些快速时尚过程的逻辑结果导致人们在衣服上花费更多,带来文化变化和价值观。在许多发展中国家,西方国家的要求被证明对他们的经济是积极的。发达国家的中产阶级开始以低廉的价格购买越来越多的时装潮流。在这个过程中,所有的利益相关者都很高兴。Zara和h&m等快速时尚品牌继续蓬勃发展。为快时尚品牌创造了一个新的市场。研究发现,这些措施增加了新兴国家的可支配收入。快速时尚产业见证了巨大的增长。产品有可能达到市场饱和。这些公司采用的营销策略是创造新的趋势,并告诉人们,这些新的范式趋势是他们融入主流社会所必需的。这些导致了该行业的进一步发展。


From the times of industrial revolution, the people are trying to sustain in the competitive markets. People try to find innovative ways to increase their businesses. In the 1960s, the business model that was employed was the vertical integration. In this, the businesses try to control all aspects associated with the businesses. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was the push for diversification of the people. There were integrated efforts from the emerging nations for the increase in the production. In 1990, people started the concept of outsourcing (Kim, Jung Choo & Yoon, 2013). This process enabled the companies to reduce the production costs and increase the profit margin. In this the companies started to feel that they can easily sustain in the markets by this strategy. The manufacturing sectors started to shift towards the United States. There is the search of cheap labor and the textile industry started to move its entire operation overseas. The labor costs in these nations were fraction of the labor costs in the developed nations.

In 1994, the NAFTA trade agreement reduced the quotes and tariff causing the increase in production from the emerging nations such as Mexico. The garment production division started to move towards Bangladesh. Until 2005, nations such as Paraguay and Cambodia were competitive partners in these efforts taken by the brands. India and China started to control the global workforce with their service marketing sector. 97% of what the American people wear and 95% of what the European Union wears is made from other nations (Park & Ku, 2012). The production and the manufacturing units of the western nations dwindled and there was increase in the clothing produced.


The companies started to adopt a multi-segmented strategy to ensure that all the people were provided with a lot of choices to buy apparel. The American people for the fiscal year 2010 spent around 3% of their income on clothing. This alone enabled the developing nations such as Bangladesh to have higher disposable income (Gabrielli, Baghi, & Codeluppi, 2013). The logical outcome of these processes of fast fashion caused the people to spend more on the clothes to bring cultural changes and values. In many developing nations, the western nation’s demands proved to be positive for their economy. The middle class people in the developed nations started to buy more and more fashion trends at low-cost prices. In this process all the stakeholders were happy. The fast fashion brand such as Zara and H& M continued to thrive. There was a new market created for the fast fashion brands. These were found to increase the disposable income of the emerging nations. The fast fashion industry saw tremendous growth. There was the possibility of the products to reach market saturation. The marketing strategy employed by the companies were to create newer trends and tell the people that these newer paradigm trends are required for them to fit into the main stream society. These lead to further growth of the industry.

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