29 6 月, 2019



就像消極的一面,也有積極的一面,可以與創業企業相一致,如新手考慮。在創辦這家公司時,新手面臨着巨大的挑戰,但他們有創業的衝動,這讓它非常吸引人。新手應該具備成功創業的素質,因爲創業公司的思維模式是有競爭力的,重視戰略領導力、創新、速度和靈活性。有了這樣的心態,新手就能發現並充分利用競爭新格局中出現的機會。這些機會的出現主要是由於不斷變化造成的不平衡。說到更具體的問題,雖然不平衡和不確定的結果是敵對和敵對的條件,但同時產生這些條件會帶來可觀的增長機會。有效的企業家領導,可以通過行爲和利用這些機會來適應成長型企業(Hisrich 2011)。





本文將不同的上下文因素集成到SIMVenture模塊的設計和交付中,設計了SIMVenture模塊評價的方法。研究結果表明,該方法簡便易行,可連續3年進行模擬試驗。對SIMVenture模塊的評估所討論的因素與公司、其CEO、員工以及所有其他組織成員直接相關(Williams et al, 2011)。針對業務和管理的需要,利用商業遊戲來保證企業複雜的課程能夠順利運行。


Like negatives, there are also positives that can be consistent with the entrepreneurial ventures like the Newbies to consider. Newbies faced immense challenge in starting the company, but had the entrepreneurial impulse making it very appealing. The Newbies should possess the qualities of successful entrepreneurship with regards to the business startups having a mindset of a competitive business house, where the strategic leadership, innovation, speeds, and flexibility is valued. With a mindset like this, Newbies can identify and completely exploit opportunities emerging in the new landscape of competitiveness. The surfacing of these opportunities is primarily due to the creation of disequilibrium by continual change. Going to the greater specifics, although results of the disequilibrium and uncertainty are rivalrous and hostile conditions, the simultaneous yielding of these conditions results in considerable opportunities for growth. The entrepreneurial leadership to be effective, where there can be adaptation of the growth firms with behaviors and exploitation of those opportunities (Hisrich 2011).

Assumptions and Scenarios at the starting of the game



The research methodology and design which has been used for this research purpose is based on the evaluation and questionnaire has been applied on a separate project which has been undertaken by the researchers. SIMVenture The methodology for SIMVenture forms to be the key part of the research and it takes the account of the heavy influence from a large number of contextual factors which are important for the business.

The approach which has been used for the evaluation of SIMVenture module has been designed by the application of different kinds of contextual factors which are integrated to the design and delivery of the actual module. The research has been done in such a manner that it is easy to run the SIMVenture stimulation for 3 years. The factors which has been discuss for the evaluation of the SIMVenture module are directly related to the company, its CEO, its employees and all the other people who are the part of the organization (Williams et al, 2011). In relation to the requirement i.e. proper business and management, the business game has been used to ensure that the complicated curriculum of the enterprise can run in a successful manner.

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