美国代写论文 12-26



In conclusion, Shell Oil is a member and partner to every state and society in which it functions. Per se, it has a ethical duty to preserve the physical veracity of the environment where it has manufacturing facilities from any dilapidation because of their action and activities. Shell oil has the right and responsibility to assist local administrations and government in setting up strategies, measures, and regulations that will assist in safeguarding the environment due to the assets, information, and expertise available to the company. Companies like Shell from the start must self standardize, especially when principles within countries of functions are not as severe as worldwide norms. As the global community is becoming more and more entwined, globalized businesses such as Shell have an ethical and principled compulsion to make sure a clean world for coming generations of the human race. The image of Shell oil due to the preceding historical events in the Niger Delta needs to be eradicated once and for all. Shell Oil and other companies like it can no longer simply run on founded upon productivity with no consideration to the local population and their fundamental human rights regarding a protected and secure environment. Shell has made a significant amount of effort and progress in this regard but even though a lot still needs to be done in this regard.

