9 4 月, 2013



Very few Canadian writers have had short fiction published as widely as much acclaims as Mark Anthony. Mark Anthony is distinguished for its distinctive style and fine story telling. Story of Burn Man is well plotted and engaging but what elevates it to higher level is its bold and daring writing style. Mark Anthony just doesn’t write about people but he also enables his readers to his charter frailty and courage. Tragedy and burn Man who refers to himself in 3rd person in order to inhabit his disfigured body.
Yes, we can see the development in Burn Man character throughout the story. His character has different shades in different phases of life but before analyzing the development of his characters it is essential to briefly describe the story.
In Burn Man a man with no real root living alone in camper, awakes one night to a gas explosion. He survives but must go through many skin grafts which never quite fit and he ends up terribly scarred face.
Throughout the story we can see different development in his character and I have divided the story in 6 different stages. Each stage has certain set of characteristics.
We can see the change in Burn Man’s personality throughout the story. His character has different shades in different phases of life and his character has different development stages. According to my analysis of this stage I can see six different stages and in each stage his characters has certain specific qualities or short can imagine.




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