19 12 月, 2017






This was evident. It also seemed to show that there was someone above protecting the saint. The artists had used the Baroque style of painting. In the Baroque style of portrayal, there is a lot of emphasis that is given to the motion. The picture can be easily interpreted. The baroque style was used by the Italian artist to show the religious themes. It was one of the popular artistic style in 1600 Italy (Montagu 48). The religious theme of the painting was very evident. The artists of those times gave a lot of importance to spreading the religious messages through realistic portrayal. The artists had given a lot of attention to the detailing. The crucifixion of the Saint was a dark theme. However, there was hope in the picture. It seemed as though even in the darkest times there is something positive. There is a fluid bright style that also shows origins of the Venetian painting of 18th century.


There is a rhythmic showcasing of the composition around the cross. A smoky color of the paining is fused with a brighter light and there is a continuous movement and a lot of realism that can be seen in this painting. The Saint was looking upward as though he is waiting to move forward to the next phase of his life. The portrayal of the saint was found to be in lighter shades when the people around him was found to have darker hues. He draws the viewer to see the Saint. The focus of the audience would turn towards the saint. There is intense detailing of the faces and the portrayal of the images. This adds to the realism and also shows the efforts taken by the artists to show the people the truth.

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