24 3 月, 2016




Nash Equilibrium
Basically, Nash equilibrium is a game or a concept in which there are two parties and both of these parties perceive that they know the strategies used by the other party and if they change only their own strategies, they won’t gain anything. This means that if both parties change their strategies, so only they would be able to gain from each other.
Economics without the Concept of Nash Equilibrium Is Conceptually Flawed
But if put Nash equilibrium in to this, this would change a lot and this theory would not be effective. An example of brand that sells toothpaste that offers low quality at a low price and the customers are satisfied with it could be set. If the company wants to offer high quality at a higher price but the customers do not want to buy it at that level of price so they would be unable to do so and this would be Nash equilibrium.

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