20 1 月, 2020


本文主要内容是案例分析,进一步的分析表明,当审美的平衡与组织生存能力的确定不同时,组织的整体领导能力会受到负面影响。案例分析表明,艺术总监和执行总监都更专注于管理具有个人目标的独立团队(DeFrank-Cole和Nicholson, 2016)。因此,当艺术和管理性质的两个团队之间的重叠和交互的程度不清楚时,在组织的几个级别上就会出现各种不同的情况。本篇论文代写文章由英国论文时Essay Times教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The further analysis suggest that the overall organizational leadership is negatively affected when the balance of aesthetic is not present with the ascertainment of the organizational viability. The case study analysis has indicated that the artistic director and the executive director are both more dedicated towards managing separate teams with individual goals (DeFrank-Cole and Nicholson, 2016). Hence, there are various instances at several level of organization when the extent of overlap and interaction among the two teams of artistic and management nature is not clear.
The researchers have argued that the arts organizations with the dual leadership experiences the convoluted communication channels and experience adverse strategic decision making (Evans and Sinclair, 2016). Various other researchers have asserted that the dual leadership model is often developed by the arts organization such as ACCA because of the inability to find suitable directors that can lead both the groups of management and artists (Hewison et al., 2010). The further analysis and research has recognized the factors required for determining the effectiveness of the key roles in respect to one another and the overall organizational leadership.
The board of directors is the key role that hired both the artistic and executive directors. Hence, the compatibility factors of the directors with other members of the organizations are often overlooked. The research has indicated that the key roles and organizational leadership’s overall effectiveness and sustainability relies on the stability of the interpersonal relationships among the directors (Hewison and Holden, 2011). It is evident form the research that the tension and conflicts take place when the personal feelings or emotions are involved. Hence, the combination of these issues combined with the artists’ disengagement and dissatisfaction takes place across ACCA in an ongoing manner.

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