25 3 月, 2019



权变理论的概念是,没有一种最佳的方法可以在特定的情况下完成组织的管理(Miles, 2012)。情境变量确实从内部和外部环境影响组织的管理实践(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。这种突发事件迫使组织采用不同的管理方法来更好地管理情况。权变理论着眼于组织可用的灵活选项,而不是科学管理方法提供的刻板的科学方法选项(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。

科学的管理处理工人的低效工作(布鲁斯,2010)。这是管理者在不考虑内部和外部环境问题的情况下,为提高组织生产力而进行的工作(Schein, 2011)。它遵循标准的规章制度。而环境和组织的相互作用被应急方法很好地识别,以便在组织的任何决策中采取更好的方法(罗宾斯,2012)。


科学方法和应急方法所使用的技术不同,但这两种方法的主要动机都是以有效和高效的方式提高组织的生产力(Robbins, 2012)。科学的方法遵循生铁实验,为管理领域的研究提供了基础。与此相比,权变方法是基于组织所面临的情况影响决策的参数(罗宾斯,2012)。采用应变方法的经理在作出任何决定前,都必须先研究情况,因为这要视乎不同的情况而定,例如组织的类型、雇员、所使用的技术系统、组织结构和文化,以及所处的环境。权变理论的前提是科学管理,虽然不像科学方法那样死板和标准化,但它并没有忽视理论的优点(Miles, 2012)。

尽管这两种方法在他们的管理方式上都是白垩和奶酪,但从长远来看,它们被不同的组织用来管理他们的事务(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。科学的管理理论被工业工程组织使用,如福特在it的装配线,以使大规模生产按时完成(迈尔斯,2012)。它也被快餐连锁店如麦当劳,肯德基等在更短的时间内生产更多的食物,以满足排队购买食物的顾客。这种方法也可以用于澳大利亚国防部队(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。在过去的例行行军中,士兵们在他们的常规长途行军中有10分钟的休息时间,这使它成为一项更健康、更有活力的任务。这样的休息为组织的长期工作提供了更好的生产力(Witzel & Warner, 2013)。科学方法是系统化和标准化的,通过在该领域的研究,为使用相同方法的组织带来竞争环境(Burke, 2012)。


The concept of contingency theory is that there is no one best way in which a management of an organisation can be done in a certain situation (Miles, 2012). The situational variables do influence the management practices of the organisation from internal and external environment (Witzel & Warner, 2013). This kind of contingency forces the organisations to take up different approaches of management to manage the situations in a better way. The contingency theory looks at the flexible options available for an organisation rather than stereotypical options of scientific methods provided by scientific approach to management (Witzel & Warner, 2013).

The scientific management deals with the inefficient working of the workers (Bruce, 2010). It is the way the manager’s work towards the improvement of the productivity of the organisation without giving a thought to the issues in the internal and external environment (Schein, 2011). It follows the standard rules and regulations. Whereas the environmental and organisational interactions are well recognised by the contingency approach in order to take better approach towards any decision making in the organisation (Robbins, 2012).


The techniques used by scientific approach and contingency approach differ yet the main motive of both the approaches is to enhance the productivity of the organisation in an effective and efficient manner (Robbins, 2012). The scientific approach follows the pig iron experiments providing the basis for the researches conducted in the field of management. In comparison to this the contingency approach are based on the parameters of an organisation affecting the decision making due to the situations faced by the organisation (Robbins, 2012). The managers taking up contingency approach are required to look at the situations before taking up any decisions as it depends on different situations in mind like the kind of organisation, employees, technical system used, organisation structure and culture and finally the kind of environment it exists in. The premise for Contingency theory is scientific management and it does not ignore the good points in the theory though it is not as rigid and standardised as scientific approach (Miles, 2012).

Even though both the approaches are chalk and cheese in their way of doing management, yet they are being used by varied organisations to govern their affairs in the long run (Witzel & Warner, 2013). The scientific theory of management is used by industrial engineering organisations like Ford in it’s assemble line to get the mass production done on time (Miles, 2012). It is also used by fast food chains like McDonald, KFC etc to get more food produced in a shorter span of time to satisfy the customers queuing for the food. This approach can also be seen utilised in the Australian Defence Forces (Witzel & Warner, 2013). The soldiers in the routine march past are provided with 10 minutes break in their regular long marches making it a healthier task with fresh mind. Such breaks provide better productivity to the organisation in long hauls of work (Witzel & Warner, 2013). The scientific approach is systematic and standardised through researches in the field leading to a competitive environment for the organisations using the same (Burke, 2012).

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