13 3 月, 2019



Comvita是新西兰的一个大品牌,销售Manuka蜂蜜,有时也被称为药用蜂蜜。这种类型的蜂蜜是由蜜蜂酿造的,蜂蜜带有天然的香味。该产品是完全独特的,很少有任何竞争对手会出现在这个特定的领域(Irish et al., 2011)。公司的主要驱动力是鼓励人们追求充满活力和健康的生活方式,以及从自然资源中提取的健康产品。该公司,Comvita,对他们的收获过程也非常细致,并努力保持所有的产品尽可能接近自然的形式。

该公司相当全球化,其蜂蜜产品出口到澳大利亚、香港、加拿大、日本、马来西亚、韩国、台湾、新加坡、英国、阿联酋和美国等国家(Greer & Saunders, 2012)。Comvita的关联公司有Comvita Asia Limited、Comvita Japan Limited、Bee and草药有限公司、Apimed药用蜂蜜有限公司。公司成立于1974年。从那时起,它的主要格言就是通过天然产品让所有人都拥有良好的健康。该公司还认为,食物的纯粹形式来自于自然本身,公司通过适当的收获帮助改善了这一点。




市场营销一词确切地指出了产品营销的某些技术。这是业务发展的一部分。没有恰当的营销,任何企业都不可能真正繁荣,除非它是一家垄断企业。由于当今每个行业都有竞争对手,营销是帮助公司产生适当收入的概念(Lawrence et al., 2013)。市场营销包括广告和宣传方面的一些创新和创意。如果不使用创新技术,特定公司的营销就会变得非常模糊。


公司需要制定许多与市场营销相关的决策。这一决策是在考虑到营销组织中许多履行不同职责的人之间的复杂互动之后做出的(Aitken et al., 2013)。Comvita的营销主管总是参与计划过程。这意味着市场部的目标和职责达到了Comvita的目标。营销计划包括为提高销售而制定的预算、政策和技术。规划可以被认为是管理工作的首要方面。


Comvita的营销计划需要以专家知识为基础的定位和合适的管理团队。在这两种方法的帮助下,Comvita可以真正将自己定位为一个国际品牌(Ferguson, 2013)。在2010年,Comvita在市场部雇佣了大约260名员工,并从中挑选了150名员工负责国际业务。这导致了整个企业营业额的80%左右的产生。Comvita的主要营销技巧是专注于健康。


Comvita is a huge brand of New Zealand that sells Manuka honey, which is sometimes known as the medicated honey. This type of honey is prepared by the bees and the honey comes with its natural fragrance and aroma. The product is completely unique and rarely any competitor would arise in this particular field (Irish et al., 2011). The main driving force of the company is to encourage people for pursuing a vibrant and healthy lifestyle along with the healthy products taken from the natural sources. The company, Comvita, is also quite meticulous about their harvesting process and tries hard to keep all the products as close to the natural form as possible.

The company is quite global and it makes the export of its honey based products to countries like Australia, Hong Kong, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, UK, UAE and US(Greer & Saunders, 2012). The associated companies of Comvita are Comvita Asia Limited, Comvita Japan Limited, Bee and Herbal Limited and the Apimed Medical Honey Limited. The company was started in the year 1974. Since then its main motto is to connect all the people to good health by natural products. It also believes that the pure form of food comes from nature itself and the company helps in improving the same by proper harvesting.


Product market structure and relevant market

The marketing concept

The term marketing exactly indicates certain techniques by which a product is marketed. It’s a part of business development. No business can actually thrive without a proper marketing unless it is a monopoly. As there are competitors in every industry today, marketing is the concept which helps in generating proper revenue in a company (Lawrence et al., 2013). Marketing involves some innovation and creativity in advertisements and in the propaganda. Without using innovative techniques, the marketing of a particular company becomes very vague.

The importance of marketing in planning and management

A company needs to formulate many decisions related to marketing. This decision making takes place after considering the complex interaction between many people carrying out various responsibilities within the marketing organization (Aitken et al., 2013). The marketing executives of Comvita are always involved with the planning process. It means the goals and responsibilities of the marketing department achieved the objectives of Comvita. The marketing planning involves the preparation of budget, policies and techniques used for the improvement of sales. Planning can be considered as the first and foremost aspect in the functioning of management.

A framework for the marketing planning process

The marketing plan of Comvita requires an expert knowledge based orientation and a proper management team. With the help of these twofold methods, Comvita can truly recognize itself as an international brand (Ferguson, 2013). Within the year 2010, Comvita employed around 260 people for the marketing department and selected 150 employees among them for international operations. It resulted in the generation of around 80% of the entire business turnover. The main technique of marketing for Comvita was that it focused on health and wellness.

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