27 5 月, 2018



个人可能有创新的想法。然而,如果没有适当的沟通,这个意义就会在这个过程中消失。良好的书面沟通和正确的标点和校对,增加了表达的清晰度,而且个人传递的信息也被清楚地理解(Ong ‘onda, Matu & Oketch, 2010)。如果个人不能清晰地表达,个人的能力是别人无法理解的。在任何给定的情况下,在标点符号和语言中保持清晰是很重要的。标点的重要性不能被驳倒。下面解释了标点符号的问题。

移动技术的出现使人们重新审视标点符号的作用。还有一些工具可以进行拼写检查。SMS(短消息服务)导致原始的语言规则被修改。这导致了现代英语书写方式的改变(Ong ‘onda, Matu, & Oketch, 2010)。最初的沟通方式已经改变。现在,人们创建了新的缩写词,并添加了标点符号(Ong ‘onda, Matu & Oketch, 2010)。这使人们采取自满的态度。在这个系统中,除非个人证明正确的阅读和标点,否则原始的信息将会丢失。


Individuals might have innovative ideas. Nevertheless, without proper communication the meaning becomes lost in the process. The good written communication with proper punctuation and proof reading increases clarity of expression and also the information passed on by the individuals is clearly understood (Ong’onda, Matu & Oketch, 2010). If the individual is not able to express with clarity, the ability of the individual is not understood by other people. It is important to have clarity in punctuation and in the language for any given situation. The importance of punctuation cannot be refuted. The issues with punctuation have been explained below.

The advent of mobile technology has caused people to revisit the role of punctuation. There are also a number of tools that do spell check. The SMS (Short Messaging service) causes the original linguistic rules to be modified. This has caused a change in how English language is written in the modern times (Ong’onda, Matu, & Oketch, 2010). The original ways of communicating have changed. The people now create newer abbreviated words and add punctuation (Ong’onda, Matu & Oketch, 2010). This makes the people take a complacent attitude. In this system, unless the individuals proof read and punctuate properly the content, the original message will be lost.


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