20 3 月, 2018



对于公司来说,Fabulous Floors公司面临三大难题,即变革阻力,创造凝聚力的愿景和保持变化的动力。公司Interface在改变过程中遇到了一些关键问题。然后,公司与相关利益相关方联系并讨论了解决方案(Vallaster,Lindgreen&Maon,2012)。雷·安德森接下来运用了以身作则以说服人的神秘方式,并且也为利益相关者带来了可行的解决方案。



For the company, Fabulous Floors there are three difficulties that the companies would face are Change resistance, creation of a cohesive vision and maintaining of momentum of the changes. There are certain key issues that the company Interface had faced in the process of change. The company then liaised and discussed the issues with the relevant stakeholders to derive solutions (Vallaster, Lindgreen & Maon, 2012). Ray Anderson then used the enigmatic approach of convincing the people by leading by example and also deriving feasible solutions with the stakeholders.

The vision was created. Rosemary also needs to create this vision and inspire the people to move towards this vision or performance objective. Finally, the most important issue is maintaining of momentum (Esty & Winston, 2009). Interface had used the approach of extrinsic tangible impacts and the use of the intangible emotional factors to drive the people to maintain momentum (Gond & Matten, 2010). For this, the company had to bring in investors and also ensure that there was a change management based on process optimization and ensure that there was paradigm change in the business operations. Some of the key difficulties that the companies would face are detailed below.


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