27 5 月, 2018



Boero(2007)指出,当人们听说肥胖症流行时,通常会认为最糟糕的情况。然而,这是一个被发现在社会中占主导地位的潜在问题。人们越来越担心这个新趋势。人们对肥胖产生了恐惧。这种恐惧是非理性的,需要使用适当的工具来解决(Boero, 2007)。人们感知食物的方式必须改变。这必须从所谓的传统意识形态转变为一种更大的发展趋势。这将使人们能够解决超越肥胖的真正问题。

组织和个人正在寻找减少肥胖生活方式并做出更健康选择的方法。这是一个主观的因素,根据个人和文化的动态变化而变化。解决这个问题的最初步骤需要来自政府。通过提供所需的资源来解决这个问题,政府干预的需要将使人们能够解决肥胖问题(Mokdad et al., 2000)。Wyatt, Winters & Dubbert(2006)指出,需要个性化的需求来解决肥胖问题。肥胖问题实际上源于内部和外部因素。以下是Sifferlein的一个值得注意的建议。


Boero (2007) states that people in general assume the worst when they hear about obesity epidemic. However, this is an underlying issue that has been found to predominate in the societies. The people are increasingly worried about this new trend. There is a fear that has been developed about obesity. This fear is irrational and needs to be addressed using the appropriate tools (Boero, 2007). There must be a change in the way the people perceive food. This must change from the so-called conventional ideology into a more evolving trend. This would enable the people to address the real issues that surmount obesity.

Organizations and individuals are looking for ways to reduce the obesity lifestyle and make healthier choices. This is a subjective factor that is found to vary based on the individuals and the cultural dynamics of a place. The inception step of addressing the issue needs to come from the government. The need for governmental interventions by providing the required resources to tackle the issue would enable the people to address the issues of obesity (Mokdad et al., 2000). Wyatt, Winters & Dubbert (2006) state that there is a need for individualized needs to address the issues of obesity. The issues of obesity actually stems from internal and external factors. One of the notable recommendations of Sifferlein has been quoted in the following


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