26 9 月, 2017



业务操作是组织进步的关键因素。如果一个组织的任务及时完成,那么业务就有更好的扩展机会。然而,为了抑制浪费时间的有害影响,需要一个平衡的时间管理计划或模型。效率低下的时间和任务管理的主要影响是员工士气的降低。当员工无法在有限的时间内承受过度工作的压力时,他们对自己不满意(Krishnan,Teo & Lim,2013)。这种恶意可以通过执行个人发展计划和定期会议来避免,员工可以将他们的问题传达给上级管理。压力管理也是一个重要的过程,它被包括在不适当的时间管理的影响(McAllister,2014)。不能按时完成任务的员工可以承受来自公司或公司其他成员的持续压力。因此,应该根据组织的内部环境制定一个平衡的时间管理计划。

在案例研究中,卡普尔先生是琼斯先生公司的一名员工,尽管他的工作很辛苦,但他还是很难按时完成任务。在这种情况下,这会导致员工的自卑和挫折感。因此,人力资源团队必须实施一种精确的时间管理模式,这样员工就能按时完成工作,而无需超负荷工作(Neupane et al .,2012)。对时间管理方面的案例研究的关键分析显示,如果他的努力被转移到正确的部门,像卡普尔这样的员工可能会对公司有所帮助。卡普尔先生的辛勤工作将与他在公司的同事们的努力相辅相成。人力资源经理必须处理卡普尔职责的优先顺序。管理人员面临的主要挑战是确定分配给员工的任务的优先顺序。正如上面的报告所讨论的,琼斯先生的人力资源团队必须找出像卡普尔这样的员工感到沮丧的原因。与其对自己的表现感到失望,人力资源团队还必须找出在完成任务后,卡普尔(Henry,2015)所遵循的随随便便的原因。由于销售主管没有得到所需的工厂供应,资源的可得性也是组织的主要关切。虽然人力资源团队必须专注于准确的时间管理计划,但它也必须在计划失败的情况下准备应急计划。


Business operations are crucial elements for an organization’s progress. If the tasks of an organization are completed in time then the business has better chances of expansion. However a balanced time management plan or model is required in order to inhibit the detrimental impacts of time wastage. The major impact of inefficient management of time and tasks is the degradation in morale of employees. When employees are unable to cope with the pressure of excessive work in a limited timeframe they are unsatisfied with themselves (Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013). This malice can be prevented by executing a personal development plan and regular meeting sessions in which employees can convey their issues to higher management. Stress management is also another crucial process which is included as an impact of inappropriate time management (McAllister, 2014). Employees who are unable to meet deadlines can be under the consistent stress of expulsion from the company or inferiority to other members of the organization. Thus a balanced time management plan should be developed in accordance with the internal environment of an organization.

In the given case study, Mr. Kapoor, an employee in the company of Mr. Jones faces difficulties in completing tasks on time despite considerable hard work. This causes low self-esteem in the employee and frustration is inevitable in such cases. Thus the HR team must implement a precise time management model so that employees can finish their work on time without the hassles of work overload (Neupane et al., 2012). Critical analysis of the case study with respect to the facets of time management reveals that employees like Mr. Kapoor can be helpful to the organization if his efforts are diverted to the right sector. The hard work of Mr. Kapoor shall be complemented with the efforts of his colleagues in the company. HR managers must deal with the prioritization of Mr. Kapoor’s duties. The major challenge for managers is to establish the order of preference for tasks assigned to employees. As discussed in the report above, the HR team of Mr. Jones must find out the reasons for the frustration of employees like Mr. Kapoor. Rather than staying disappointed with his performance, the HR team must identify the reason for the haphazard approach followed by Mr. Kapoor in completion of his duties (Henry, 2015). Availability of resources is also a major concern with the organization as sales executives do not receive the required factory supplies. While the HR team must focus on an accurate time management plan, it must also prepare contingency plans in event of a failure of plans.

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