
論文代寫-組織中的企業文化與科學管理。文化是存在的,但它也是一個組織為自己創造的東西,因此它受組織本身的控制。動力及其維護是當今最重要的(Bauer and Jenny, 2015)。文化是指人們在一個相似的社會群體中所共有的繼承下來的生活方式、觀念和價值觀。沒有一個特定的社會階層擁有文化,因為所有的個體都沒有相似的文化背景。文化導致了與這個術語相關的並發癥。

Culture has a dynamic nature from the perception of changing with time. The changing culture further results in the creation of specific conflict. Under the scope of cross culture, conflict acts as a competitive scope for individuals or groups under incompatible goals, or scarce resource. There is sometimes a need of some power for acquiring them. I was able to relate to this fact with my own personal experience while working on part time basis at the organization of Tesco. I was able to realize soon that my own cultural background reflects my personality across the workforce. This enhanced the competitive scope of others in compared to me as I did not belong to the same cultural background. There is also determination of this competition by the perceptions of resources and goals among individual (Bushe and Marshak, 2015). These types of perceptions and power might vary hugely across individuals. One key factor of determination as per my experience at Tesco is the perception of culture, learned and shared lifestyle and social inheritance. There must be individual possession under the virtue of obtaining membership across different social groups. The occurrence of conflict across different cultural backgrounds will face issues of intercultural misunderstanding and miscommunication. These issues result in increasing the level of conflict (Chang, et al., 2015). I can further relate my experience to the below stated facts about individual identity and culture.
Culture plays a crucial role in linking individual identity with collective identity (Daft, 2015). For understanding the complex nature of conflict, it has an equal involvement of both, cooperation and competition. In addition, there is driving of entrepreneurial spirit, innovation and creativity by the speed at which changes take place in business organizations. There is a continuous significance of these concepts for the survival of an organization. While making a move towards the future, innovation across various sectors end up changing the way in which business is done. The intangible variations at Tesco since I worked there had started to become highly significant as the transfer of technology was simplified. In addition, elements can be copied with more effectiveness (Levinthal and Marino, 2015). Leadership can be referred as an activity that is more right brained, while the approach of management appears more left-brained.

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