
本文主要讲的是政府对市场经济的保护主义,随着2007年金融危机的爆发和2008年金融危机的加剧,保护主义的重要性有所增强,对国际服务和商品供应商的歧视明显出现。到目前为止,新的保护主义措施已经反映了相当少的经济影响(Bollyky和Mavroidis, 2017)。另一方面,危机中相当高的调整成本意味着,在未来几年内,以规则为基础、得到加强的多边贸易体系进一步下滑的风险将降至最低。本篇论文代写文章由英国论文时Essay Times教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As the financial crisis of 2007 erupted and intensified in 2008, the significance of protectionism has increased with evident emergence of discrimination against international suppliers of services and goods. Till date, new measures of protectionism have reflected considerably less economic impact (Bollyky and Mavroidis, 2017). On the other hand, the considerably high costs of adjustment in crisis provide that in the years to come, there will be minimum risk of further slippage by the strengthened multilateral trade system based on rules.
Provided with the fragile state of global economy recovery, resurging trade protectionism will end up impairing the return towards robust levels of growth. This is because it will further impact global demand and trade flows (Buzard, 2017).Referring to the case study “The Global Financial Crisis and Protectionism”, this report will discuss about various aspects of protectionism. The case highlights that irrespective of sharp contraction of economy in 2008 and 2009, there was a modest increase in protectionism. In addition, a number of developed nations in the period provided subsidiaries to automobile businesses. Further ahead, there was a sharp rebounding in the volume of global trade in 2010 at a fairly modest rate of growth in the global economy (Bathelt and Golfetto, 2017).
For the adoption of measures regarding, trade defence like duties of anti- dumping, government authorities conducted investigations for assessing the limit of injury. With time, local producers and manufacturers feel less pressure from competition, and hence, they will be tempted for lowering quality and increasing the prices. Finally, consumers have to face the risk of paying high price for goods of low quality (Walter, 2017). The government can take the decision of reopening international channels of trade for activating this crucial factor driving growth. However, there can be such a fall in the protected industries as such international incumbents that survival ends up becoming a huge challenge. Other possible consequences can be loss in jobs and struggling or dying industries.

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